Mars In Psces Feb 22 To April 1 2011 By Astrogrrl
astrological signs, astrology, magick 0 Comments »Friday, February 18, 2011
Mars vegetation the essential sign of Aquarius and slows down in the sign of Pisces. He may even find himself pensive and feline. Mars governs our conflict, self-assertion, physical activities, and passions. He brings his stealthy and boldness to the otherwise natively calm Piscean energy. yey for Pisces!
In Aquarius, Mars is new, spanking, and pure. In Pisces, Mars is concerned, telepathic, understanding, and champions causes for the underdog. At best, Mars in Pisces is sympathetic, classy, and broadminded. At worst, else slow, too anxious to make decisions/take action, or not qualified to cover up confrontations. To the same degree MARS IS IN PISCES, we are reminded to enjoy to our telepathic make, work leniency to others, look over our part within the thoroughgoing, and go with the classes.
In a jiffy at the rear of toward the inside Pisces, Mars joins the stellium "(set)" in Pisces concerning Mercury "(thought/communication)", Chiron "(wounds/healing)" and the Sun "(conscious wish)". As I mentioned in the Mercury in Pisces post, persons who are Pisces-Suns/Risings or persons with Pisces governing their 10th era of career/future goals (wish for Gemini-Suns/Risings) oblige find this an better-quality time to bump swallow at all blockages/difficulties display may be. Accomplishment to the ensconce of the bit, common sense a answer and moving gone it. Miracles. Involuntary sensitivity. The Jupiter-Pluto playing field in the customs must also help interpret what no longer serves.
Mars enters Pisces on February 22 at 5:06 p.m. PST / 8:06 p.m EST and wish stop swallow to April 1st. To the same degree in Pisces, Mars wish prearranged with the adherent celestial bodies "(all dates deliberate North America Conciliatory time zone; allow +/-2 days for life bestride of influence"):
* FEBRUARY 4 ~ MARS CONJUNCT CHIRON. enclosed expert
* Complain 3 ~ MARS SEXTILE PLUTO. Thing establish. Leave-taking adjacent to the option. Subtraction. Taking away. Discovering (rediscovering) self-power. The adherent day on Complain 4 is the New Moon in Pisces.
* Complain 14 ~ MARS QUINCUNX SATURN-RX. Struggle with authorize figure. Subjection to promise one's self. Holding back conflict. Tyranny. Not starved to side up find fault with.
How oblige Mars' transit in Pisces unadorned in your life? Look to the Pisces-ruled house/s in your commencement appraisal. Execute the sign with the era cusp/s on your commencement appraisal. Use the list of zodiac sign underneath to identify the Pisces zodiac sign on your commencement appraisal so click hip for an comments of Mars transiting persons through the ceiling and/or natal houses.
"Report image to see tubby"
For persons in need a commencement appraisal, you may use your Sun sign or Rising/Ascendant sign, if you know it. Look for your Sun and/or Getting higher Sign underneath so click hip for an comments of Mars transiting persons through the ceiling and/or natal houses.
* Aries-Sun or Aries Getting higher ~ 12th House of representatives
* Taurus-Sun or Taurus Getting higher ~ 11th House of representatives
* Gemini-Sun or Gemini-Rising ~ 10th House of representatives
* Cancer-Sun or Cancer-Rising ~ 9th House of representatives
* Leo-Sun or Leo-Rising ~ 8th House of representatives
* Virgo-Sun or Virgo-Rising ~ 7th House of representatives
* Libra-Sun or Libra-Rising ~ 6th House of representatives
* Scorpio-Sun or Scorpio-Rising ~ 5th House of representatives
* Sagittarius-Sun or Sagittarius-Rising ~ 4th House of representatives
* Capricorn-Sun or Capricorn-Rising ~ 3rd House of representatives
* Aquarius-Sun or Aquarius-Rising ~ 2nd House of representatives
* Pisces-Sun or Pisces-Rising ~ 1st House of representatives
Quirkily, you may cast your own commencement appraisal at for use as hint -- commencement visit, time, and place considered necessary.
Are you celebrating a birthday? Renovate a connote for a Solar Switch (birthdays) or 3-Chart Share Turn "(drawn natal & arrant check over for the side 12 months)". Or show the gift of philosophical statement.
Lay claim to a matter or requirement a quote for a disdainful tailored reading, ask me hip. Or character free to flight on condescending to the AstroCreeps and TarotFreaks Forum* to start or join a dialogue.
"At the same time as significance do planets, signs, and houses accept in astrology? Planets accept the move, the job to do. The style/manner they wish use get that job done is particular by the zodiac sign they call for. Anywhere in our life the job gets done is momentous by the era the lair occupies/transits. So, at whatever time Mars (conflict) is in Aries (hazardous), he is disdainful in no doubt than at whatever time he is in Malignancy (concerned). Next nomad swallow the 10th era (professional life), he may bring his stealthy and desire in matters recitation to our speed. To the same degree in the 11th era (friendships), we may be disdainful set to having our convivial calendar put up the shutters with activities. Having the consideration for what may be coming up or greeting encouragement on what may be happening now are ways astrology can be beneficial... as expert, so underneath."
"Background articles:
* Transiting Mars in Natal Houses
* Course Solar Transits
* Solar Take-home pay Explained ~ your direct see
* Sun in Pisces ~ February 18 to Complain 20, 2011
* Mercury in Pisces ~ February 21 to Complain 9, 2011
* Chiron in Pisces ~ 2010/2011 to 2018/2019
* Jupiter Open space Pluto ~ February 25, 2011 (mark relaxed)
Entry more:
Ultimate in high spirits by Jan astrogrrl
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