As many of you know, I am not the typical Wiccan. I do not follow the Wiccan belief that there is only one God and one Goddess, and that all others are reflections of those two. I am pantheistic, following the Celtc panthoen for the most part. Cernunnos is my patron deity and, for the most part, has been the only deity that I have worshipped. Recently I have begun having visions of a moon goddess too, so I am adapting to having her on my altar as well. But I'm not sure how to handle the sabbats. Should I observe them or not? Lughnasadh, of course, is a celebration of the god Lugh. I don't follow Lugh, so should I observe it or not? Imblolc celebrates Brigid. I don't follow her either, so do I observe Imbolc? I do believe in them, I just don't focus on them. Are there any Cerunnos-specific holidays that I should observe? Since I have now begun having visions of this new moon goddess, I shall now begin paying closer attention to the moon phases, paticularly full and new moon. I'll probably also pay closer to the lesser sabbats too. Any thoughts on this?You guys are the greatest!Blessings,Allen