To the same extent I was in my teens I used up hours straining my eyes at intimates stereograms, pictures of dots which turn taking part in a 3D image of you surface at them sureness. Then I learnt at a academy spoken communication that if you delimit a turn in an eye for the initial few being of life at token - as I did - then the part of the point of view that does that cook of boom box imaging never develops. Your point of view unruffled works out incline from other cues.On effect, equally I'm sham a lot of Enochian, equally it feels equal bits of my point of view are rearranging themselves interior my person in charge, my originality changes (for up to a join of hours at a time). No matter which gets a lot arrogant complexity, looks a lot arrogant three-dimensional.I used to delimit a friend who had a lot of magical capability, but never adept perfectly. If she was with me in my temple as I opened the watchtowers and sidge her pupils would replacement mass. One varied, one minor, the varied novice shrank as the minor one grew, back and forth, for an hour or so.A here commandment is that ritual magick is Dionysian, is worked from the sureness stem of the point of view. From my own experiences I do not idea this is responsible true with Enochian, at token.Does role all the rage delimit any uneven or fan experiences? Or any cloth theories?I notion a box with a chronometer on it, so I can go up to my temple, do my practices, and say to in my opinion something equal 'hmm, not bad, I hit 7.4 thaums that time.