Yes I Knew I Could Do This Again
magick, spirit, talismans 0 Comments »I can remember speaking to myself saying that I didn't want to get up, let alone just turn over to turn the alarm off, I then left my body through the back of my head turned to the clock to noticed it wasn't mine. I was in my parent's bedroom at the family home back in Australia. I glided out into the other rooms knowing no one was there. I then said, "TAKE ME TO MY FATHER". I went through the front windows of our lounge room onto the street and started to fly upwards. I let out an almighty scream of "YES" I knew I could do this, again! I flew upwards seeing what looked like from a distance a huge flock of birds ahead but within seconds could see it was other people flying, just like me. Most of them I knew were not conscience of what they were doing. It was amazing! I flew lower and could see backyards, roof tops and dogged hitting a tin shed. I even flew backwards as I remembered reading this somewhere to test yourself. The next thing I was walking through a doorway to see my father in a hospital bed. I went to him and picked him up and nursed him in my arms. He conversed with me and said he was glad to see me. I spoke to him about him being very frail and was he scared of dying. He said he wasn't scared, and if it was his time - he was happy. I told him that there was a lot more to life and death than we think, just look at what I'm doing now, and being here with you. Some people then came into the room, I kissed him and returned him to his bed and left. I found myself somewhere else, and with a thought of my deceased mother she appeared in front of me looking radiant and happy. I then said the name of a friend who was also dead, she also appeared with the same radiance and happiness. I must have said ten different names and they all appeared to me.
Then. I felt a pain in my leg and returned to my body in South Africa. I remember not wanting to be "AWAKE" but I was so ecstatic with what I just witnessed; I jumped out of bed and wrote it all down. The next morning while in meditation, I was interrupted by a phone call. It was my sister reporting from the hospital that my father had improved overnight, but was still in a serious condition. She asked me if I had been calling the hospital during the night as my Father kept on saying that I had been there trying to contact him. Knowing that she wouldn't believe or understand if I told her about the above, I just said to her, no I didn't phone, "I WAS THERE IN SPIRIT". She was happy with that. That was several months ago and my father is still with us on this earth plane.
by Steve McDermott
About 20 years ago I had an experience while meditating that I did not understand, but I knew it was very real and I was not dreaming. I have since found out it was an OBE.
A few months ago I STUMBLED UPON YOUR COURSE THE ART OF ASTRAL PROJECTION. I followed you word by word and did all of the exercises (HOMEWORK) for a few days without having any experiences. I currently live in South Africa and was phoned by a family member in Australia to inform me that my father had been rushed to hospital and at the age of 91 he was not expected to last the next few days.
The next night I went to bed and listened to the DNA track once again (MY FAVOURITE) and EXPERIENCED BODY ASLEEP MIND AWAKE or the Paralysis feeling. That track ended and went onto a Delta using binaural tones track. I started to become uneasy unplugged my earphones and turned on my side and went to sleep, immediately.
What felt like seconds, I thought, my alarm clock was buzzing for me to wake up. I can remember speaking to myself saying that I didn't want to get up, let alone just turn over to turn the alarm off, I then left my body through the back of my head turned to the clock to noticed it wasn't mine. I was in my parent's bedroom at the family home back in Australia. I glided out into the other rooms knowing no one was there. I then said, "TAKE ME TO MY FATHER". I went through the front windows of our lounge room onto the street and started to fly upwards. I let out an almighty scream of YES I KNEW I COULD DO THIS, AGAIN!
I flew upwards seeing what looked like from a distance a huge flock of birds ahead but within seconds could see it was other people flying, just like me. Most of them I knew were not conscience of what they were doing. It was amazing! I flew lower and could see backyards, roof tops and dogged hitting a tin shed. I even flew backwards as I remembered reading this somewhere to test yourself.
The next thing I was walking through a doorway to see my father in a hospital bed. I went to him and picked him up and nursed him in my arms. He conversed with me and said he was glad to see me. I spoke to him about him being very frail and was he scared of dying. He said he wasn't scared, and if it was his time - he was happy. I told him that there was a lot more to life and death than we think, just look at what I'm doing now, and being here with you. Some people then came into the room, I kissed him and returned him to his bed and left.
I found myself somewhere else, and with a thought of my deceased mother she appeared in front of me looking radiant and happy. I then said the name of a friend who was also dead, she also appeared with the same radiance and happiness. I must have said ten different names and they all appeared to me. Then.I felt a pain in my leg and returned to my body in South Africa. I remember not wanting to be "AWAKE" but I was so ecstatic with what I just witnessed; I jumped out of bed and wrote it all down.
The next morning while in meditation, I was interrupted by a phone call. It was my sister reporting from the hospital that my father had improved overnight, but was still in a serious condition. She asked me if I had been calling the hospital during the night as my Father kept on saying that I had been there trying to contact him. Knowing that she wouldn't believe or understand if I told her about the above, I just said to her, no I didn't phone, "I WAS THERE IN SPIRIT". She was happy with that.
That was several months ago and my father is still with us on this earth plane.
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