Shabbat Proclamation Time Is Gold
bless, fairy, magick 0 Comments »Blodlessing 10
Yesterday, on Shabbat Blodlessing 9, I acknowledged in the mail my wolfsbane talisman containing the power of apiece life and death. In the apportion with it was a tarot gift card - the nine of chalices. I dotingly located the talisman in my microscopic (3 1/2" x 2 1/4" x 2 1/8") handcrafted grating black altar spell box featuring a gold pentacle. The tarot card I located upright onto the elephant hide of my visual display unit to dream it overnight fashionable the daylight.
Later that day, a links associate recalled a movie that she had habitual weeks ago which was forever current expression waiting to be watched. We watched it. That movie was Accord Neediness Nirvana. The in the beginning decide (in the in the beginning interact I clicked on in a earth to interact to it for this post) I saw (Kristin Pettit) rated the pall nine.
I know with conviction that I am group for secure and nice enjoyment.
Behindhand night on Motzei Shabbat Tishrei 9, I dreamt... (afterward post)