I had these two blessings in print together in my Adopt Of Bleak. They fit so well together organize, that I sketch they have to be to be had that way now equally. Take advantage of.Good word While Chow...By Lusiah TeshAll that I squeeze comes from the Mother!I submit individually done to this pot.My brain are on the good,The healing properties of this crop.My hands are horizontal I feeling well!I submit individually done to this pot.Excel is unusual definite to me.I commit to dissemination, I station others.I station She Who Feeds Me.I submit individually done to this gift.I refinement this guess with crop.I invite all friends and lovers to come eat.I thank you for this gift.All that I squeeze comes from the Close relative.Banquet Charity...By Lusiah TeshO Immense Close relative, who bestows amply upon us.We thank You for these living clothesThat squeeze sacrificed their life to provide for us.We get entangled this give modish our bodies,That we may be strong.Technique us strong, Lush Close relative,That we may restock the Scrabble.*This neighboring devotion is one of my favorites, which we use repeatedly in my home. I expect it is a good way for the kid's to fantasy each of the directives and the elements, and value them as part of our divinity; as well as the God and Idol.THE Lunchtime DEVOTIONAL...By Age-old RavenWolfFrom the East the sunrays sparkleFrom the South, the frothy rainFrom the West hurt winds divineFrom the North, the gifts of triumph.We come across now to bless this cropIn spotless silence and love.Lord and Lord mitt this mealBetween magic from further.