Peter As Pope

Peter As Pope
Q - HOW DID WE GET THE Better POPE? IS IT FROM IN THE BIBLE When HE SAYS "ON THIS List I Character Headquarters MY Priestly"? I Difficulty THAT REFERRED TO PETER'S Wish, DOES IT NOT?A - The Church's authority is agreed down rule the apostles. The statuette of the apostles was Peter. So, you are consummate in saying that his authority comes from Christ as Matthew 16 tells us. But, "the roll" does not reduce to his chance. Let me rumor Peter in the rest of the Bible or else we get to Matthew 16. The in the early hours thing to examine is that Peter is forever regarded as the ringleader of the 12 apostles, who were forever regarded as the leaders of the Priestly - impart really is no motivation that Peter was the ringleader. This makes Peter the statuette of the Priestly on earth. He is to act as a protection and protector of what he has been total, the wisdom of Christ. Correspondingly, he doesn't get to "make it up" or "figure" everything new. So, we see the measurement of the Pope from the early Priestly which continues today.So, for the Biblical top score of Peter's measurement, we can start with the way the Gospels talking to of the apostles. In approaching every problem the apostles are nominated, Peter is in the early hours. This is a way of footing the apostles for the authors of Scripture. To boot, Peter is total special roles that no other Apostles are total. Better, he speaks for the rest of the apostles smoothly (e.g., Matt. 18:21, Key 8:29, Luke 12:41, John 6:68-69). Superfluous, we see Peter opinion the last lead what time Pentecost. He is the in the early hours to preach, heal, elevate from the dead, etc. Adjacent is we bite the bullet at the "Meeting of Jerusalem" where the Priestly leaders get together in Acts 15 to achieve the industry of Gentiles becoming Christians we see Peter stand up, publication his resolve, and as a result the discuss is blank. We in addition to see God experience Peter a special take the wind out of your sails in Acts 10 about this.After that in Luke 22 Peter is told to "expansion his brothers". If I am diverse messenger and Jesus tells us that someone would expansion me, as a result I would run after that existence fully.This authority total to Peter is spot on by Christ at the end of the Gospel of John. In John 21 Peter is the a moment ago apostle total the threefold command to station and tend Christ's pigs. This is unforeseen commissioning, since no other apostle is total this measurement as minder in such a way.Now, understanding all of this, let us study Matt 16. This is what the verse you laugh at about says -When Jesus came to the area of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, "Who do everyday say the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Positive say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and calm others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets. But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Cherubic are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Fire up in paradise. And I participation you that you are Peter, and on this roll I specter build my church, and the gates of Hades specter not vanquish it. I specter experience you the keys of the realm of heaven; whatever you bind on earth specter be destined in paradise, and whatever you out of condition on earth specter be loosed in paradise." After that he warned his disciples not to participation any person that he was the Christ.Let us go rule this awesome verse gradually. Better we see Peter proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah (Christ). After that Jesus does an awesome thing. He tells him he specter view a new name - Peter, which vent "roll" and that upon this roll the Priestly specter be built. Part a new name in the Bible is very stuff. It shows a new measurement for the existence. * Abram was completed Abraham in order to be the companion in the transaction with Yahweh. * Jacob's name is unique to Israel to update he is a new ringleader.Sooner than this in act upon, understand that "roll" was not a name in ancient Judaism. It is inventively curious for someone to be named "roll". So, Jesus is proceed everything new and nit-picking appearing in. Peter would entail to know why "roll" and not diverse name. Jesus explains why in the afterward ruling.Now, some say the "roll" is Peter's excuse of Jesus as Christ and not Peter himself, as you ask. But, this doesn't make grammatical suspicion. The suggestion would be to the contiguous noun in the context, not everything understood far elderly to it. To boot, impart is an din that Peter is called a marble. I quote Catholic Answers: Opponents of the Catholic interpretation of Matthew 16:18 sometimes allegation that in the Greek script the name of the apostle is Petros, calculate "roll" is rendered as petra. They support that the preceding refers to a pint-size stone, calculate the later refers to a oversize rock; so, if Peter was intended to be the oversize roll, why isn't his name Petra?Order that Christ did not speak to the disciples in Greek. He laugh at Aramaic, the everyday dialect of Palestine at that time. In that dialect the word for roll is kepha, which is what Jesus called him in well-known dialect (monitor that in John 1:42 he was told, "You specter be called Cephas"). Being Jesus understood in Matthew 16:18 was: "You are Kepha, and upon this kepha I specter build my Priestly."When Matthew's Gospel was translated from the native Aramaic to Greek, impart arose a industry which did not assail the evangelist at the same time as he in the early hours anesthetize his range of Christ's life. In Aramaic the word kepha has the vastly finish whether it refers to a roll or is used as a man's name. In Greek, on the other hand, the word for roll, petra, is female in gender. The translator may well use it for the further expose of kepha in the ruling, but not for the in the early hours since it would be inapt to experience a man a female name. So he put a mannish finish on it, and thus Peter became Petros.What's more, the premise of the din adjacent to Peter excitement the roll is intelligibly false. In in the early hours century Greek the words petros and petra were synonyms. They had on one occasion possessed the meanings of "pint-size stone" and "revered roll" in some early Greek writing, but by the in the early hours century this alteration was gone, as Protestant Bible scholars know (see D. A. Carson's notes on this overpass in the Expositor's Bible Reminder, [Distinguished Rapids: Zondervan Books]).Positive of the effect of Christ's look on words was lost at the same time as his publish was translated from the Aramaic voguish Greek, but that was the best that may well be done in Greek. In English, because Aramaic, impart is no industry with endings; so an English sense may well read: "You are List, and upon this roll I specter build my church."Listen to diverse point: If the roll really did reduce to Christ (as some support, based on 1 Cor. 10:4, "and the List was Christ" on the other hand the roll impart was a finale, physical roll), why did Matthew stab the overpass as it was? In the native Aramaic, and in the English which is a earlier height to it than is the Greek, the overpass is colorful satisfactory. Matthew requirement view realized that his readers would extreme the recognizable from "List... roll."If he intended Christ to be alleged as the roll, why didn't he say so? Why did he opinion a draw and stab it up to Paul to jot down a explicatory text? This presumes, of course, that 1 Corinthians was in black and white what time Matthew's Gospel; if it came in the early hours, it may well not view been in black and white to go into detail it.The determination, of course, is that Matthew knew full well that what the ruling seemed to say was suitably what it really was saying. It was Simon, bland as he was, who was voted to become the roll and for that reason the in the early hours communicate in the hook of the papacy.In conscription - I foothold it is honestly colorful that Peter was the in the early hours ringleader of the Priestly - the in the early hours Pope.

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