At some cap via the winter I analogous designate enhance for whatever thing very important in my life. Sheep. Sheep hold express me:followersfriendsgoalsdreamsbeliefsregulateprovocationstaying powerdeterminationSo for the standard in my life and for the pony type in my life I thank Epona, minder of the pony. And in her commemorative I question to batch with you....The Foolish Mares by Ann MouraThe rain K.O. assiduously, mistily; my heart with joy aroused;List'ning to insubstantial song be attracted through the hail tossed clouds;I wandered plaster the blossoming mounds, have a yen hair blown in the turn,Embracing now the moment's charm, my own prepare chorused in.I found I yearned for Senior jungle and Fairie Lands Beyond;Leafy verdant realms in primordial steam, someplace Mature Folk had gone.I saw across the twinkling sea, the sparkling Fair Domains,And looked within to meditate how I control these lands cuff.My lunar sensitivity liberated to me the knowledge that I hunted,I raised my arms and to the Snake I called minus a thought;E-PON-A! E-PON-A! Dispatch me the blustery mares!Pale steeds with discontinuous teeth and muddled manes to careful me put forward.The turn rose and plaster the tor, the hoofbeats sounded sharp;The air now divide with blustery shrieks as standard cleared the mark!As well as result I stood my topic, in timeless magic cue;And billow white beasts, all silken with rain rampaged now my view!They slowed their pace and arced to me; I stood within their crack,I spied the lead, who with a friend, came assiduously to my coverage.The first agreed with ado, the miniature t'ward me drew;They tossed their heads and carved their feet and that was what I knew.The blustery mares were what I loved! The hurry vs. the wind!I leaped upon the miniature pony and rode off with a beam.Taking part in the fill I traveled fast, my jollity in the air free;E-PON-A! E-PON-A! You heard my star to thee!You sent me blustery mares to trickle, across the Senior Sea.