Waxing Gibbous Moon Perseids Meteor Showers

Waxing Gibbous Moon Perseids Meteor Showers
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Wisdom."

14th Day of the 9th Lunar Cycle

Ruled by Gaia

Lunar Tree Cycle of Coll/Hazel

8th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Coll/Hazel

14th Day of the Cycle of Lughnasadh -

Days of Lugh

Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous moon

Moon sets: 5:18AM EDST

Moon rises: 7:33PM EDST

Moon in the Fixed Air Sign

of Aquarius

Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The silent

accord of true love.

Sun in Leo

Sunrise: 6:27AM EDST

Sunset: 8:23PM EDST

Solar Question for the Day: "What

is transforming within you?

Lughnasadh (Gwyl Awst) Quarter

for the Year

August 12th, 2011

FREYA'S DAY - Venus Day, the Day of Sharing and Relationship - Relation Day.... there are Major magickal energies today for spells for Popularity....

PERSEIDS METOR SHOWERS - An amazing celestial event coincides with the season of Lughnasad. Radiating from the constellation Perseus, a spectacular metor shower known as the Perseid metor shower the night sky beginning around July 17th and peaking on August 12th, continuing to put on an impressive show until August 24th, With its theme of hope, there is perhaps no season better suited to wishing upon a shooting star, and the night skies on Lughnasad will be full of them. You can expect sightings of between fifty and 100 metors each hour.

The Perseid metors are often referred to as 'the Children of Perseus.' Look for the constellation Perseus along the northern horizon. Although the metors can appear in any part of the sky, they will originate from the radiant constellation. The metor show is best viewed after midnight, for at this time the rotation of the earth will allow you to be facing the metors head on, as opposed to viewing them from behind. A bright full moon and even a quarter moon can greatly interfere with the numbers you of metors that you will be able to see if any as well as the glare of city lights. Think of all the things you are hoping will come to pass in the near future as you witness the falling fires from the heaven.

Links for Perseid Metor Showers:




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