An Open Letter To Matthew Deceased Son Of Suzy Ward
magick, mental, religion belief 0 Comments »Dear Matthew (and Suzy),
We write this letter out of grave concern about many highly questionable statements posted at: "MESSAGES FROM MATTHEW".
The following discussion addresses only the content which you have published your website:
Please be aware that we mean no disrespect with this open letter. Over the years many of us have read in disbelief some of your more consequential pronouncements that failed to resonate. Some of them even smacked of purposeful disinformation, which we sincerely hope was not the case.
It's quite important to understand that this exposition does not come from any particular ideology, ism, spiritual background, religious perspective, philosophical mindset, cultural bias, national loyalty, sexual orientation, or political persuasion. You might ask: How can this be so? Please read on.Before we open the discussion about your support of all things concerning Barack Obama, let it be known that we have no political party affiliation. We are not registered to vote. We have NO dog in that fight. Our true understanding is that the two major political parties in the USA simply represent two extremely deceptive sides of the very same counterfeit coin.
With that said, here is the first quote from your post at the "Messages" site which we have been compelled to address since the day that it first appeared:
"US drone strike kills wife of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud"
Here are some more photos of the death and destruction caused by US drones, just to give you a little idea of what we're talking about, Suzy