The Winter Solstice Comes Around That Hole

The Winter Solstice Comes Around That Hole
The post below was included in James Gilliland's newsletter this morning. All I have to say is that if there's any truth to it, it is one big let down. You can cut it any way you like, but if we have reached the end of the Mayan Calendar, and if what we are experiencing now around the globe is "it," then we may tilt downward rather than up, as has been predicted. Why? Just listen to the news on any given day and judge for yourself.

Indeed, if this is the climax, it is about as exciting as a piece of week old birthday cake. For what it's worth, my bones tell me the folks who proposed this idea are seriously off track. Christ, even Y2K was more exhilaratingly provocative than this. We waited for 12 o'clock midnight to strike so we could see if the Internet's infrastructure would disintegrate. Nothing happened. But it was exciting to the last second.

Now, to continue on a low note, because of the "storm of the century" that is pounding California, I imagine most of us in the state will not be able to witness the LUNAR ECLIPSE that is slated to be seen in my neck of the woods sometime around 10:30 pm tonight. Bummer. But, hey, who ever said life was fair?

Before continuing to the message about the 2010 Solstice possibly being the end of the Mayan Calender, I'm including an email I received from Anthony Kane, which addresses this issue:

When Pope Gregory created the Gregorian Calendar one of it's primary purposes was to bring about disharmony to the human body by throwing it into a state of constant confusion known as the "error in time".

This was achieved by there never being the same amount of days or weeks or consistency of holidays or cycles in a month or the year as there is in the Mayan Calender.

As we come upon the Solstice tomorrow Dec 21st 2010 there are many who believe this "era in time" has thrown us so far left of the mark as to make the alignment or procession of planets happen in 2010.

My sources tell me this...

You are in the build up to Tomorrow the 21st of Dec Winter Solstice and yes the energies are strong. This is due to the fact that this is the 1st Solstice of three that are the power matrix for the alignment. Just like there are three days to the cycle of the full moon there are three power stages to this alignment with the one on Dec 21st 2011 being the height or full stage pivot point of the alignment where things will show instantly from that point on.

For many the solstice this year will bring a great opening to their eternal consciousness... and for others nothing as they are not ready.

For those who have incarnated here from other Worlds this Solstice is a major jumping point from which most of you will be activated and come into the understanding of your task here over the next 10 weeks. Once again this cannot be forced upon you, so if you are refusing your task you will refuse the truth of the energies as they wake you up. Free will

at work!

So this energy template that is being opened now is about the Light Workers and between now and Feb when the Universal comes in they will be awake and able to access their higher self, there intuitive powers will increase and there will be much growth of the light body as the pains subsides, they eat less, sleep less and are generally happier and far more fulfilled, less Earth bound, they will find that meditation is a thing they do in every moment of everyday without thought and that there presence affects others to a great extent bring light and peace with them.

The Planet is still in preparation for what is coming and when you examine the fact that the Mayan calender has 364 days (28 X 13 = 364) of 13 months in it one can see that it is not far off and that with the

missing day added in July all is in sync.

Yes it will be a momentous solstice indeed and the best is yet to come. Oct 28th of 2011 the Universal ends and the stage of unity consciousness begins or as many say conscious co-creation. Once this has taken hold the power solstice on the 21st of Dec 2011 will change everything. The final three month of 2011 are a power window to prepare for and to look forward to.

I pray that I have answered some concerns.

As Always


"Dec 21, 2012 -Did they get the date wrong?

Is Dec 21, 2010 the right date?

According to this collection of articles, (urls and authors incomplete) the "big shift" is not Dec 21, 2012, but only 2 days away!


THE GOOD NEWS! The world will not end on Dec 21, 2012.

THE BAD NEWS: The date has been moved up to Dec 21, 2010.

An astrologer, Victoria Peltz just wrote an article explaining that we are - or may be - two years off in our calendar because of the confusion back in the 16th century between the Gregorian and Julian calendar. In other words when we interpreted the end of the age in the Mayan calendar as 2012,it should have been 2010. Now what is so interesting about that is when I heard of the 2012 end of the world scenario, I immediately did a chart for Dec 21, 2012 and saw nothing. Then I asked a few of my astro friends and they saw nothing. BUT, if I do a chart for Dec 21, 2010, I see a spectacular, powerful eclipse lasting over one hour. Also, in July 2010, we have a cardinal T-Square with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in the sky that can be seen as a herald or portent of things to come.

People have been predicting the end of the world approximately every couple of centuries since 2800 BC when it was written on a clay table in Assyria. And the Mayan elders have been trying to tell everyone that the end of a cycle on their calendar is not the end of the world.

DEC 21, 2012 IS ACTUALLY DEC 21, 2010

2010 is a WHOPPER! And is more the REAL 2012. The alignments of December 21, 2012 is nowhere near the power of December 21, 2010

More and more astrologers say this year is THE ONE. They were 2 years off!

It will happen at WORLD POINT 0 degrees Cancer, and have an effect the world over, it will also conjunct Hades.


On 21st December 2010 coincides with a total lunar eclipse. This is the only lunar eclipse that will occur over this period of 36 years or so during which the winter solstice sunrise is directly aligned to the Galactic Centre. The Mayans, among other cultures, have identified this dark rift in the Milky Way galaxy (between Sagittarius & Scorpio) as the cosmic source of all creation (and destruction) and they have specifically tied their mythological and calendrical traditions to its winter solstice alignment. It is the place to which the Mayan shamans have always ventured on their visionary journeys in order to gain wisdom and understanding. On Winter Solstice this year, thanks to the lunar eclipse, and for the only time during this period of solar alignment, the Moon, Earth, Solstice Sun and Galactic Centre will all be in perfect alignment.

So far everywhere I have been reading online everyone is saying it is what the 2012 should look like! BUT 12-21-2010 that looks like it instead...

All the astrologers say 2010 is a heck of a lot more crazy than 2012.

Yeah, its a countdown all right.

Also, this somehow adds up with the 2012 Movie, "We didn't get the Date right", the Movie is about the 2012 Theme but is taking place in 2010 or 2011 as I remember right from the movie.

Of course they can be off. There are astrologers desperate to find stunning alignments in 2012 but cant. All the whoppers are in 2010.


On December 21st 2010, the Solstice occurs on the same day as a Total Lunar Eclipse which takes place (astrologically) within 2 degrees of the Galactic Centre. That's a pretty big coincidence considering that an alignment with this area is central to the 2012 'belief'. Furthermore the total phase of the eclipse will last for the mystical number of 72 minutes. It will be visible over the America's and particularly the west coast of America, Central America and South America - home to the Maya.

No spectacular alignments in December 2012, It is most definitely two years off. I don't know about global doom, but at the Tropic of Cancer that runs through the town of Todo Santos in Baja California, the moon will be at zenith (straight up) during total eclipse. This is a once in a thousand year event.

As I have said before, from the astrological/astronomical point of view there really is nothing particularly notable about the much talked about 2012 date. What has come to light however is that THIS years December 21st Solstice is fairly remarkable - definitely from the astrological point of view, but also from an astronomical one. Perhaps the scholars who pinned the start of the Mayan Calendar date to 3114BC (relatively recently) are 2 years out!?

In Psalm 110, he sits at his Fathers right hand. His Scepter extends to Zion, which is tied to Orion and the Great Pyramid. The Lunar Eclipse rises Blood red over Orion's raised sword on December 21, 2010.

I should state that, even though the odds are that the Mayan Calendar is off, it is probably not off by a significant amount of years. Since it was recalibrated using the Christian Calendar, which only turned out to be off by about 2-4 years, then the most that the Mayan Calendar will be in error is one of their 20 years cycles.


If they chose the wrong eclipse they could be off in two ways. As stated above, if they are too soon, then we would have to wait that 20 years from 2012 AD for the end of their 13th Baktun placing the start of the new cycle circa 2032 AD - in this regards Sitchin was wrong for he stated that their calendar was cyclical and, therefore, would not end at this time however, though their calendar is cyclical, it is based on major epochs and one of which will end - this time by Earthquake and/or Pole shift - at the end of the 13th Baktun.

Now, to continue, if, however, they are too late, it is not going to be an error of 18 years - or we certainly would have known by now - but by the two year difference between the Saros Cycle and their 20 year cycle.

In other words, if they chose the Dark Side of the Eclipse, so to speak, the end of the 13th Baktun would actually occur December 21, 2010 AD.

Now, to continue, I was thinking about this:

When you look at the Magnetosphere it is getting consistently worse. Now, however, why would the Winter Solstice be an important date?

Well, its because we have at least two holes in the Ozone which reflects the two holes that we probably have in the Magnetosphere which allows increasingly more cosmic rays in which deteriorates the Magnetic Field even more.

When the Winter Solstice comes around that hole will be directly in front of the Sun and we will have no "shields" for the earth as one Scientist describes it.

Thus, you can expect the condition to worsen drastically between now and December 21, 2010 AD.

The Pole Shift itself could occur anytime between now and then.

Further, when NASA originally calculated the Solar Maximum they chose a date between 2010 - 2011 and not the 2012 date.

The Solar reversal that some are talking about follows this same basic Solar Cycle of 11 years (which can fluctuate between 9-14 years) and the last one apparently occurred in 2001 however, we have already started a new Solar Cycle in December of 2008 or possibly August of 2009 and NASA tells you it takes about a year to work its way to the Heliosphere which, then, means the Sun should be flipping out, literally, any day now.

21.12.2010 "stands out far more than the 21.12.2012, did they get some calculations wrong?"

If I didn't know any better I'd say we have got a particularly interesting period in front of us and whilst I generally stay away from the "ascended" masters and their never ending promises of utopia I think we are looking at one of the most spiritually significant dates of the year. Mercury may give a hint on the 18th as to what it's all about and then again on the 13th January. The only planet that does not aspect the Sun and Moon is Mars which may imply that the messages coming through show us what needs to be done but we may have to wait until we can actually act on beliefs and feelings. Mars is only 11 degrees away from the Sun which sits just outside of what I'd consider acceptable for a conjunction so it's influence may be weak but still felt. This eclipse takes place only hours before the solstice and this date stands out far more than the 21.12.2012, did they get some calculations wrong?


There's a lot being made of the Mayan Prophecy in the movie 2012 Doomsday. Trouble is, everyone thinks it's Dec 21 2012 (The Winter Solstice) - but that overlooks the REAL Astrological fact that there is a TOTAL Lunar Eclipse coming up 2 years ahead of schedule on Dec 21, 2010.

Why I see Dec 21, 2012 as the Wrong Date: There is a very good argument that our modern translation of the Mayan calendar is wrong. This is due to the fact that our Gregorian calendar is just about as wrong of a timekeeping system as we could possibly have. This alone is enough for me to think it's time for a Mayan 2012 kind of meltdown. In my personal opinion, our version of time is a trap and a lie. But first a brief lesson on time and why ours is so screwed up.

Why our Gregorian Time Calendar is a Mess: Once upon a time, time itself was based on a Sacred Calendar, which followed the Moon. Such a calendar has 13 months - just like the 13 lunar cycles of the year. Each month was 28 days long - just like the Moon Cycle.

But then, after the time of Christ and all the drama that was stirred up then, the Roman Emperors got involved, changed things around a bunch, gave us 12 months of 30 days each and a weird Leap Day. This was a rough attempt to create a Solar Calendar - based on the Earth's annual movement around the Sun. The only trouble with that is that each year isn't exactly a nice neat little package as they tried to represent. And then those crazy Emperors all started to get swelled egos and wanted the month THEY were born in to have more days than any other month. Augustus Caesar stole a day from February and gave it to August (the month of his birth). Julius Caesar did the same for July. It wasn't long before February was the shortest month and the whole calendar started to look lopsided and wobbly.

The Pre-Gregorian Lunar/Solar Calendar: Getting back to the Mayan Calendar, we need to go back to those BC days and then account for what happened in the time of Christ and after. but first a quick lesson in how time was counted when Christ was born. If you look in the Old Testament you will see that the Passover takes place on the First New Moon in the first month of the year - called Abib. This is basically the first Lunar cycle after the Spring Equinox (April 20 or 21) each year. In Astrological terms, Passover takes place on the first Full Moon of Aries.

In sharp contrast to all of this, the Mayan's had the MOST accurate system for keeping time that we have record of on planet Earth. Nobody has done it better before or since. But their system is pretty dang complicated. But that's beside the point. The point I am making here today is that our western translation of the Mayan date for the end of the Yuga (age) as coming at Dec 21 2012, they accurately counted for it ending on a Winter Solstice but have probably lost a few years worth of Moons in there somewhere (months). One place where they probably lost time was in the Year of Christ's death. The Zero year for our Gregorian calendar. Also, each subsequent year for over 2,000 years has had 12 moons instead of the natural 13 - that's a lot of months to lose.

The TOTAL Lunar Eclipse on Dec 21, 2010: As an Astrologer, when I look at the STARS (which is what the Mayans used as the basis of their calendar) I see 2010 - the year we are in - as being the intense one. And the Eclipse on Dec 21, 2010 is truly a heavy hitter.

First off this is a TOTAL Eclipse - so there is some completely new revelation that it represents. It takes place on the shortest, darkest day of the year. The day of maximum oppression, and - for lack of a better word - evil. The Eclipse itself takes place smack dab in the center of the Pacific Ocean. Right in the middle of the `Ring of Fire' where all the worlds Earthquakes have happened this year. The impact here is one of destabilizing one of the Earth's most vulnerable areas.

Just for the sake of clarity I am not predicting Doomsday on Dec 21, 2010 or Dec 21, 2012 for that matter (I'll leave that to Hollywood), but I AM pointing out that we are under some very dramatic Astrological influences NOW.

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