To Start From My Private Blog Flying Lessons

To Start From My Private Blog Flying Lessons
From the Element Encyclopedia of 500 Spells.

Remembering that traditional spells are highly dangerous and use ingredients like Water Parsnip (Water Hemlock), Poppies, Mandrake, Hemlock Belladonna etc the book provides a modern witch's alternative.

Safe Modern Flying potions.

Possible herbs are Dittany of Crete, cinquefoil and mugwort

1. Chop up fresh Leaves. In order to get fresh herbs, you will likely have to grow them. Attempts may be made with dried herbs. But "DO NOT" work with essential oils: mugwort essential oil, for instance, is EXTREMELY Toxic

2. Melt cocoa butter, shea butter or similar in a double boiler or bain-marie

3. Add fresh leaves, as many as you can, mashing them down and adding more. The goal is to permeate the base fat.

4. Simmer, then remove from heat.

5. Add approximately two teaspoons of lanolin.

6. Strain into a jar. The traditional tool was a sieve, however they didn't have cheescloth back then. Use what works best.

7. If the ointment is too hard, add more lanolin. Reserve and use as desired. (ie on wrists or wherever the skin is thin)

Even if you don't travel in your dreams, you will have soft wrists, inner elbows etc and smell nice..


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