original artwork by: Cannphoto"Believe in yourself,"for you are capable of anything you set your mind to."- Jasmeine MoonsongMerry Meet and Good Morning :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. Today is Wednesday, September 5, 2012Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury, the planet that's magickal properties include intellect, versatility, travel and divination. Have any studying you need to do or need a day to travel, this would be the best day. Being an intellectual day pay attention to your thought patterns today. Today is a great day to work with your conscious mind and make things happen. If you are working with stones today choose to wear amethyst, star rubies, or lodestones for protection. Choose sapphire in amulets. Tonight's Moon is Waning, Third Quarter in Taurus. The Waning Moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magickal work except magick designed to banish harmful energies. The Waning Moon represents the Goddess in her Crone aspect. It's a time to celebrate the wisdom gained through life. With the Moon in Taurus, things begun now will last the longest, increase in value, and become hard to alter. It brings out the appreciation for beauty and sensory experience. The magickal color of the day is Yellow, and the incense of the day is Marjoram. Have an amazingly magickal day!Love and Blessings,Jasmeine Moonsong