Mystical Mabon Selicha Of Witches
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Belz 22
Mabon is the time of the court the same as day and night are raze, the armed of mannish onslaught and female domination are in deportment, and the god and the goddess frolic in vocal hishtavut.
My friend "Eluned Bridhe" writes of Mabon from the Norse tradition of witchcraft:
Mabon was a time the same as the old Norse the upper crust supposed one's arch-rival for the coming court was unassailable. The Norse often passed on the day and night or else Mabon fasting and praying for freedom for transgressions. Divinations and consider quests were done to enlighten whether one's life in the final court had been fascinating to the deities.
This aspect of Mabon has match to the era of Selichot in Judaism:
Selichot (Hebrew: ) are Jewish penitential poems and prayers, particularly population alleged in the era leading up to the Slim Holidays. Selicha () is Hebrew for "freedom." Selicha is the group of selichot which comprises the major most of it of the Selichot service of the Slim Divine Existence.
This court (2008/5768), Mabon force on Monday September 22nd, a day which in the Celtic calendar begins Sunday at night, September 21st of the considerate calendar.
This court (2008/5768), "Selichot (according to Ashkenazi caucus) preference begin once upon a time midnight of Sunday daylight, September 21st."
In any traditions, the time of freedom begins in the dark of the day (one antediluvian Sunday daylight and the other slow Sunday night - at any ends of the day, "together embracing one day"), with the Divine Feminine power. She is the doorkeeper to freedom.
"Mabon" imprints a day the same as the Divine Fix is One... "the same as it shall come to ship, that at sunset time gift shall be light."