Interesting Ways To Use Quartz Crystal

Interesting Ways To Use Quartz Crystal
Quartz crystal is the most versatile of gems and used often as a power amplifier in magick. It aids in protection, healing and altering consciousness. Following are some simple ways you can use quartz crystal.Remember to cleanse your quartz crystal prior to and before each use. Though, if you are recharging for the same use, you can skip the cleansing (feel it out to see what the crystal tells you). Crystals can be cleansed by holding under a stream of running water, buried in soil, passed through the smoke of incense; or soaked in a salt water bath.Set some quartz crystals out for a day to soak up the sun's energy, then stick the crystals into the dirt of potted plants that need a little extra T.L.C.Set quartz crystal out to bathe in the light of the full moon and then hold or wear as an aid during tarot readings or other forms of divination.Affix a point of quartz crystal to the end of a wooden wand to amplify the inherent powers of the wood. The same can also be done with a copper or silver wand. Copper has long been used to conduct the quartz's energy.Buy a sphere of quartz crystal to use as a crystal ball - alter your consciousness by gazing into the stone and/or getting lost in any of its inclusions.Charge a quartz crystal for protection and keep on your person or around the home.Hold a quartz crystal in your hand while meditating or......Create a spiral of quartz crystals to use as a focal point during meditation.Quartz Crystals can be used to open and activate the chakras.Place a quartz crystal under your pillow to encourage psychic dreams.Set a piece of quartz crystal on your altar during ritual and magickal workings.Add one or more quartz crystals to bath water, along with epsom salts or a bath tea, to soak in a charged healing bath.Place quartz crystals into your magickal pouches, or Mojo Bags, to increase the power of the spell.Lay a quartz crystal atop of a larger amethyst cluster to increase the quartz's vitality and healing energies.Use a long double-terminated quartz crystal to cleanse and charge other objects. Nine times counter-clockwise to cleanse; and nine times clockwise to charge. This method can also be used to stir, and empower blessed salt water in which to use for ritual and also soaking other gemstones and crystals.Store Tarot Cards or Rune Stones, in between use, in a black velvet pouch containing a quartz crystal to increase their energetic connections to you and increase the efficiency of the readings.A headband can be made by wrapping copper wire around a double-terminated quartz. Use this to cover the third eye during meditation.Use quartz crystals to mark the Four Sacred Directions, or even the entire circle if there are enough to do so.Place a quartz in a glass jug of fresh spring water for several hours or overnight, to create an energized tonic water. This can also be done with colored glass jars or jugs, to incorporate color therapy in your healing. Remove the crystal before drinking.These are but a few of the nearly endless ways to utilise the beneficial properties of Quartz Crystals. The only limit in what can be done with them, is our imagination.


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