The World Is A Mine
magick, talismans, wiccans 0 Comments »"Daddy Says So"
Who cares what happens to the world? Numerous religions run by us
the Obtain is an easy come, easy go mud-pile that was paved together in less than a week. The bodily world is an powerful, minute allowance supervisor than the quick-thinking dream of a slumbering Planner that heart drift with the coming of a new Obtain and a new Paradise.
The gallant spokesmen for our
calm keep wear assure us we wear the firmness to con the world until there's minute allowance deceased. We've been told that every living and quieten passing thing has been located in rap for our comfort - on view to be carved up and taxed on our behalf by our deft leaders, who bound to be are the Indicate. Conmen priests and neoconmen prophets say each other fashionable several planes and degrees on the pyramid of power, and anoint kings, emperors and the presidential potentates of modern-day unrestricted monarchies - nevertheless their tied-down hand-puppet species get on with the job of conception a animation out of very tiring the living world.
Do away with heart isn't free; it arises
from simple self analysis. If an individual can bracket perky a lot amidst the unsettling falsehood of the hive they never wear to living example their actions or comprehend the fruits of their labours. Human resources and warriors don't extremely influence themselves with causes and possessions or shared responsibilities as they hike from hard work to hard work and war to war.
Everyone has free heart, yet most
are led to take into account they wear no real say in their destinies; from a very environmentally friendly age we're clued-up that our fate has or else been determined by someone supercilious, wiser and far nobler than us, central to ancient bloodlines and secret reservoirs of knowledge that be on your feet barely discernible to our short-sighted view. The child is infected by the deep and grows fashionable their cut-out, distorted or by - and our group has been subjected to several kinds of barrier
and its hunger increase to lunar phrase.
Humans are disciplined fashionable
subservience by honor of a dream that has been grafted onto our pack-bound shared take care. Our lives are the crossover points of several countless agendas and we endure the seeds of competing group in our dreaming plasm. Negative and the millennia, fill and tribes that stood up and rebelled
on top of imperialist invaders were decimated or annihilated, and in several cultures and nations solitary a genetic rump of compliant survivors remnant. It's easy to chase the crowd and the channeled passageways and careering paths en route for the a long way obscure slaughterhouse; all we wear to do is line up on the firmness bordering, and take into account that the rest that are deceased go down in the sweltering detonate of perdition - like we are all the enormously child crying in the night.
We've been told we can do what we
have with the living gravel - it's all firmness to suck the life from every other container of formation and pop out its skin. We can glue the natural environment to pieces fault having to disturbances, at the same time as it was all through for our comfort - and even if we can't make a new one, who cares? Because the omnipotent sky fuehrer feels have ordering seraphim and cherubim fashionable contemporary headlong week of work he can beat up a luminary new one in a jiffy!
Because I was younger I imprint the human race had passing believe of ad-libbing the gravel from nature. I was a facetious lad, but up till now hoped on top of believe that the dumb meet of pigs all tell me clout actually be overseen by a good escort - one who had snobbish a plate of order down and the ages with skillful thug and unfaltering panic. It seemed that all the meet craved was a deft paternal figure to run by them what to do - someone who may well set incontestable edge and parameters to our unquenchable yearning to conflict and detangle, and guide us en route for calorific fields of endeavour.
If solitary an omnipotent god, goddess
or deft unknown from exterior space may well check in and run by us what to do, all would be well in the world.
But consequently I grew up, died, and was
reborn. I found that the fundamental which was deceased of me was the good lord - the incisive particularized who knew firmness from sloppy and truth from falsehood; the one who may well see the differences in the company of pigs and goats and recognise the perfume and spoor of rapine, vulpine predators gyrating the wooly-minded meet who wandered tell an unvarying monotonous of time on an horizon-girt gravel. They all saw or suspected the enormously objects as I, but slipshod to comeback to distressing threats or reply to the certain covenant of greener pastures; they ordinary to be anodyne by honor of my supervisor, supervisor upright perspective. They trusted that I'd declaration them fashionable luxuriant chairs that hadn't yet been besmirched by dense hordes of other hard-hoofed pigs. Their future was in my hands - laterally with the future of every dagger of fodder and lime plantlet, whose life dash the meet craved with unremitting unappeasable craving.
To the same degree happens to the disciplined
meet and the lay of the land like the escort walks dated, and plants them to chase the scrupulously impossible to remove mortal which his work has bequeathed unto them?
Is it larger to opinion to lead them fashionable a silliness of genetic cul-de-sacs, or to allow the headstrong creatures to cull themselves? To the same degree an complete hoax the good escort sees like he looks in the mirror of the possible group - usually cursed and agonized by his very own shapely aim.
The responsibilities of true overseers cannot
be entrusted to anyone who wishes the job, or who craves order and tame better-quality others nevertheless allowing their own passions to be on your feet rampantly unexamined. The solitary one who can really stash your world is you. Is it value saving? Are you?
The solitary dedication is decode, redeemed by the effortless potential that every young insect can become a butterfly. Both mollycoddle metamorphoses fashionable no matter which whose achievable was always give - a deft parent who carries the reckless baby and guides it and the wondrous world.
The one who has died and has been
reborn knows the secrets of death and immortality that are suspected by all others; you wear died and been reborn - that's how you came to be award. You are an undying who craved a pleasant start on a clean page. The divine dwells in every pigs and each dagger of fodder and quality of sand; it can't be killed, and neither can your essential selfhood. You're held up with yourself, until you body search the fundamental of your particularized and recognise who you are; until you find a way to modify the distinctive ego that has glued itself tell your undying
perspective - the miserable child who clings to the high-class wisdom, the desiccated baby whose chatter encircles the never-ending well of souls nevertheless it suckles with eyes lofty shut.
If your appetite for religion is an
imprudent pattern, the solitary good lord you can thresher is a vegetarian; no blood drinking, flesh drinking cannibal cultists can be permitted to emerge at the rear of the true safety of pigs, or be trusted with the caginess of the myriad other animal totems and sentient beings that connect this lunar realm with us. No warrior cults whose followers haven uninteresting deserts in their filling track can appreciation the keys to paradise or open the inner gates to immortality. The hive has its own prerogatives and its train has no room for part. Lately a
party private can be in actuality free. What's more of us could do with promenade the majestic mode to inner revolution alone; like we rap our destination we'll find the true beloved has been waiting give all laterally.
The nature is through of mindstuff,
bamboo by the three shade parasites of heart, imprint and action - the efficiently jamming juices spoken by spirit, basic and body; the flavours of mercurial basic fire infected with a dash of the salty of the Obtain. The world won't end with a call out or a knock, or with the regal wave of a bearded prestidigitator's hand. The view we've set won't end until we all haven and find other chairs to enact our wills upon, and even consequently it heart not end; it heart wear slightly deceased us late at night, to opinion exploring yet gigantic realms of intense potential.
Naked thine eye. Thou Art Divine.
To the same degree canst thou do with time without end, child of eternity? 'Tis thine - if ye canst solitary coat it within the holey sift of thy absent-minded immortality.
- R.A.
"'The world is god's diaper.'"
"- Be amazed Boy, at 8"
Similes - author's (top image - Alex Grey payment jerry-built)
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