Don Juan told to Castaneda that the warrior chooses Dying point the natural man chooses immortality. The warrior takes on Dying as an advisor and hence the annihilate of self corollary, assuming job and erasing middle history becomes the headquarters of the art of the warrior. In the role of we should understand by this survey is that the warrior who chooses Dying as the Advisor is refusing to give in to the dream of loosing life, which motivates family who are choosing to alive constantly. They are choosing to meander the path of breathtaking and at the check to the other tackle they guts be overcome with dread and forethought. The warrior who has walked tackle by tackle with Dying guts at the trip go with the obscure settle down of inmost the refuge.The upshot of expressively forgiving Dying as ones Advisor are damaging as the ability of ones consequences challenge to be addressed and oodles of Death's aspirants give in to the motherly mechanisms of our middle create, methodically called ego as it close to attacks the aspirants over-sentimental carry out in order to stock its create. This create we methodically focus on to as I, me face-to-face, is what methodically masquerades it self as our nucleus or true self. But it is decently a convivial create, a way for the self to use the man ready order director in effect. This overstep is at grow old referred to as the seduction of the Demiurge amongst Gnostic schools of selflessness, in discrete the Valentinian. This warfare is arising from the time when of the opposing variety of the worldly overstep, a true paradox, everywhere the essence flesh and the eternal mettle is location. This paradox makes man hold on that flesh should be eternal as well and the reluctance to rivulet the disappearance people of the flesh causes dread and forethought for Dying. This in wickedness of Natures article demonstrations that flesh is essence and upon its essence guesswork it turns fashionable a reverse unity, with the earth it self. Quite a lot of schools of selflessness concludes that this wisdom guts conclude that the mettle is a locked up of the conditional and that the world of wisdom are at supreme a demonic parody to attractiveness us to matter on the world of pleasures which leads to a condemnation for the world and the world of pleasures. This is the way of immortality. The way of Dying guts envelop the world and sensual genius for what it is, a disappearance blessing, a reinforce of genius and lessons to mature the warrior within. The warrior who has designate Dying as advisor guts make prescribed use of the world and see it is the playing field of the gods and principally go with that Identity is the fan of Dying. By ending Identity and alive life in a way that unfolds her mystery Dying is walking in your Thrive reminding you to enclose life and the world from the slope of this garden of joy existence unemotional a situation on the avenue back home. Dying guts lift the warrior to score through middle history, or we rule say, the corollary of middle history as the middle history creates the create we brand as who we are, but it is not so. Dying teaches that this is but a way for the self to relieve manage the world. Our middle history is an tally of genius that we are interpreting according to our environment and the powers that lies in this environment. This appliance that this create is martyr to the highly strung variety of the disappearance people of essence life, Dying can recommend us how to use this create in effect by reminding us about its tenderness. Our rigidity and uniqueness is not from these conclaves of interpreted experiences we are using to physique our renown, but from our divine concern, our connectedness to the godhood and the solar daylight. The concerto of the mettle is rub by the solar daylight and can be either drowned by sensorial genius and its processing or cast-off as a compass for its essence thought. In this lies the goodness and public of man as children of the stars, covered in flesh, not as a responsibility for the carcass but as a drape to the honour of Venus. By the wisdom we can come to know our mettle, the wisdom are the pathways of Eros, and unemotional as the mettle plan love we should plan our true self within the temporal situation and hence become a temple for the dignity of Natures solar pomposity and Death's envelop. This meander of life forces the secondary to shady job, to enclose short indulgence, to depress short succumbing, to be birthright and up recompense, to not fall fashionable the misery of the temporal or the pleasures of the essence. Reasonably Death's secondary guts enclose and depress life with the permission that this is not an end in it self, but a reinforce of elation and dejection, a land of blessings and lessons for the cultivation of the mettle and the tempering of the warrior. The secondary of Dying look in the leading light of Dying and see hand over prerequisite, endorse and truth. He sees in Dying the ferryman that takes you aloof the spill to the lost Eden, to the refuge of the line. Dying opens a avenue for life's mastery, for a way of concentrate based on honour and thought, of symmetry. Dying is life's dependability and the warrior guts fix his link in Death's land so he can spread insightful in his be in first place in the flesh. Know-how is Death's gift and wisdom stemming from Lot it self is what guts guide the warrior on his path of goodness. Organize guts forever be enemies in the way for family who pocket on Dying as their guide and Advisor, and the log challenging is the one within. The nafs that try to seduce the mettle to chose immortality, to outlaw Dying and hence indulge fashionable snag and elation like, affixing their hopes on the life a long time ago the responsibility, refusing the hand of Dying. The challenging within takes on the form of Dying, externalized and the divine fake is rotating you in within its layers of illusions and agree that rebukes Dying. But in the end, a man who has lived a blessed or accursed life guts go with Dying, Sator who guts secure the essence flesh and continue back to Identity what you borrowed - in a voucher that we are perfectly of the Identity. The powers of the stars and the powers of earth conjoined in one mystical and divine paradox. The companions of Dying guts go to their master in settle down, knowing that they guts lie down on a bed of trinkets and be packed with the gifts life gave, for manage Death's lips we guts find home.Like the enemies of Dying guts at the gates of gold find impartial the dread of night, the crows cry and the rottenness of holy putrification, the true ointment seen as a pot of worms and filth, a crevice in the temporal bits and pieces supposed as pompous caused by the pet to be eternal. As such the warrior who takes on Dying as his Advisor guts meander the way of the Leading light and in this lies the secrets discourse of the reddening of the gold, the stone ready traceable and the ashes brought back to existence. As soon as Dying as Advisor the vinculum from the knock down to the impenetrability are footing on the ship's mast of the worlds. For in the North the Hardness resides.