Kyrie Eleison

Kyrie Eleison
Via Trevin Wax:

God, be merciful to me,

On Thy grace I rest my plea;

Plenteous in compassion Thou,

Blot out my transgressions now;

Wash me, make me pure within,

Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.

Broken, humbled to the dust

By Thy wrath and judgment just,

Let my contrite heart rejoice

And in gladness hear Thy voice;

From my sins O hide Thy face,

Blot them out in boundless grace.

My transgressions I confess,

Grief and guilt my soul oppress;

I have sinned against Thy grace

And provoked Thee to Thy face;

I confess Thy judgment just,

Speechless, I Thy mercy trust.

Gracious God, my heart renew,

Make my spirit right and true;

Cast me not away from Thee,

Let Thy Spirit dwell in me;

Thy salvation's joy impart,

Steadfast make my willing heart.

I am evil, born in sin;

Thou desirest truth within.

Thou alone my Savior art,

Teach Thy wisdom to my heart;

Make me pure, Thy grace bestow,

Wash me whiter than the snow. Sinners then shall learn from me

And return, O God, to Thee;

Savior, all my guilt remove,

And my tongue shall sing Thy love;

Touch my silent lips, O Lord,

And my mouth shall praise accord.

"Psalter", 1912

God, Be Merciful to Me : Kingdom People


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