Religion And Extraterrestrial Life Is There A Connection
altar, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »learning-mind
THERE ARE TWO VERY POPULAR TOPICS THAT STRIKE A SENSITIVE CORD IN THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS. These two topics bring up more questions than answers at times. These popular topics seem to be about extraterrestrial life and religion, if they are real and how they relate to one another. Put them together and you really have one hell of a debate.
EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE, as opposed to what we believe as a race, takes on a whole new dimension. If there is life on other planets, then what does that mean for those who believe in God, gods or even atheists? HOW IS EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE AND SPIRITUALITY CONNECTED? Well, it's simple, really.
What we really want to know is, "How would discovering life on other planets affect religion?" If we believe in God, who created earth and started with two people, Adam and Eve, then what do we think about beings on other planets? Since Adam and Eve sinned and their lives changed forever, does this mean that beings on other planets have similar fates? It's interesting to fathom that we could be connected by the same covenant explained by Christianity.