Moon Phases And Magick

Moon Phases And Magick
The moon is a very sacred object in Wicca. It is a link to the Goddess and the ever-changing wheel of life. The moon holds a special power and its phases can make or break a spell.

Wiccas celebrate 13 esbats, or full moon rituals, a year. The moon completes its cycle every 28 days.

A Blue Moon happens when two Full moons occur in the same month. The second moon of the month is the Blue Moon.

The new moon is a time for new beginnings, fresh starts. This is the time to do magickal workings that deal with gains, starts and increases. It's a great time to repeat dedications. Most magickal workings undertaken on this day come into fruition by the Full moon.

Workings done between New Moon and Full Moon (the Waxing moon) follow suit. Use this time for spells that bring gains or to start new projects (money spells, good health, knowledge, etc.)

Chant to seal a waxing moon spell:

O, Maiden Moon, now hear my plea

Hearken, Hearken unto me

As you grow, my spell enhance

And power its magick with your dance (Dorothy Morrison)

A full moon is the most magickally powerful time of the month. There are seven days of power associated with the Full moon: The day itself, three days before and three days after. Any magickal efforts, especially difficult ones, can benefit greatly from the potency of this time.

Chant to seal a Full Moon spell:

Abundant Mother, Moon so bright

Hear my plea upon this night

Your fertile power lend this spell

Make it potent, strong and well (Dorothy Morrison)

The time between Full Moon and Dark Moon (the Waning Moon) is a time to do banishing work (getting rid of disease, bad habits, obstacles, etc.)

Chant to seal a Waning Moon spell:

Oh Aging One of grace, now hear:

With your guidance, this spell steer.

Remove all blocks and hesitation,

And take it to ids destination. (Dorothy Morrison)

A dark moon is best used for introspective activities such as meditation, divination, improving psychic abilities and discovering hidden truths. It is best not to do magick on this night.

Chant to seal a Dark Moon spell:

I call on you, oh Crone so wise

One who rules the darkest skies

Come and be my treasured guest

And aid me on this magickal quest. (Dorothy Morrison)


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