Study Tips
magick, parapsicologia, witches and warlocks 0 Comments »In your travels, you will sometimes see words with a dashed underline. When these are normal sized like this, you can hold your mouse cursor over it to see more details, tips, additional thoughts and sometimes extra credit answers for Academy exams.
Dashed underlined bold words like Anthelmintic, are linked to considerably more information. You can move your mouse cursor over it for more details just as above, but you can also click on it to open the Reference Shelf entry for this word. The Reference shelf will contain an entire article about the word you clicked on.
These extras are featured in Library articles, the online Witchcraft, Tarot and Herb classes, and even tucked away in the Premium Members' Parlour. Just look for the dashed underline.
The menu at the top of the page changes radically when you log in. Additional areas will appear alongside the 'Home Libraray Forum Academy'... links, and under each of these areas will be new features you couldn't see before logging in.
After you log in, check the drop down links that appear under each of the main menu items when you hover your cursor over them. For example, if you aren't logged in, you will see a few links under the Forum menu item such as The Courtyard and Wortcunning areas. After you log in, you see more links under the Forum menu item such as Private Forums, Edit Your Profile, etc. If you are logged in as a Premium Member, you see new main menu items, and even more links under each drop down menu.
The PaganPath Academy offers online courses in Witchcraft and Wicca, Tarot Proficiency, and Herbalism. There are a few lessons available to all Free Registered Members and you can see them when you log in.
If you are a Premium Member (paying yearly dues of about 20) you have access to all the lessons, exams and every premium feature of the site like games, horoscopes, tarot layouts and more. However, if you are a Free Member and would like more Academy information, you do have access to the discussions for Premium Members in the Academy Forum when you login.
Please keep in mind that the entire site is undergoing a total rebuild. There are hundreds of pages that have not yet been re-added to the site and you will see new articles, lessons and features every day. Please check back regularly.
If you have questions, you are very welcomed to use the Help Desk feature at the top of every page, or the Contact link at the bottom of every page. Many blessings to You!