Thwarting The Tiger Curse
imbolc, magick, spell 0 Comments »They were stiff that a dagger rising from his greater gum was an portent he would be killed by a tiger.
The creepy wedding maintain was seen as the best scenic way to dodging such a occasion, according to tribal elders in the Jajpur region small town.
These tribal elders seemingly poor to account for how this remedy was actually held to work, and one wonders if these power be the especially elders who diagnosed the "tiger curse" in the initial place and whether or not they were compensated for their character in the canine wedding.
Routinely I would try to determine this pact magically and come up with some demand of tenacity, but this one has me puzzled. It's not jump over to me why a tiger would be visual to a child with a dagger rising from an odd place, and it's even less jump over to me why creature connubial to a dog would protect that. Is the dog held to shield its "consort" chary tiger attacks? From the past I plaid a tiger was a lot bigger and tougher than a dog. Or is nearby some trivial of interchange in Hindu holiness that I don't know about that classifies dogs and tigers as opposites or something?
If somebody can judge me on this one, it would be a lot respected.