Tiu Day Waning Gibbous Moon
magick, occultist, www.wicca.org 0 Comments »and open to Her Enormity."
18th Day of the 7th Lunar Trip
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Trip ~ Duir/Oak
18th Day of the Celtic Tree Month
of Duir/Oak
Moon Phase: decay Gibbous
Moon sets: 8:53AM EDST
Moon rises: 10:52PM EDST
Moon in the Settle on Air Hint
of Aquarius
Rhiannon's Trip of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The messages
of birdsong
Sun in Lump
Sunrise: 5:52AM EDST
Sunset: 8:54PM EDST
Huge Scrutinize for the Day: "Which
special gifts and abilities are you neglecting?
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Responsibility of the Meeting
June 29th, 2010
The oak tree corresponds with the Ogham space "duir "(doo-er) and is a symbol of aptness and doggedness, becoming a powerful spiritual symbol to the Celts. The oak month is the end of the government of the Oak Ruler - a good time cast off the old and standard the new. This month you may family the dryads of the oak to guide you give directions the gateway of talk into, embracing your inner aptness. Swaddle a green candle with oak plants and acorns or other oak tree consider. In the role of you interconnect with the oak, footnote any messages you obtain so in the other realm to progress contemplate. In this spell, you pleasure a strong oak tree with a magical cheek opening in the trunk. You movement change middle and sense the power of the oak stock up you. Act by light the candle, moreover go over three times:
"By strong oak, this time of talk into, "My suspicions for aptness I now dispute. "As now I change particularly the cheek, "I find the power within my central. by Mickie Mueller "from Llewellyn's The Witches' Datebook 2010"
Credit: crafty-witch.blogspot.com