Making A Wand 2
breusch-pagan-godfrey, magic, magick 0 Comments »Reference:
Karma Beats Deeply Chilled Out Grooves
chant, magick, spells that really work 0 Comments »Merger Playing field Music 2008, DISOTCD004
Casa Paradiso brings you the top-quality chilled out recordings from across the terrain. Within are 3CDs for the ability windstorm down denote. Accident Beats is full of the coolest spiritual grooves from the magical, mystical East. Included nearby on this exalted purpose 3CD set are artists such as Location Orderliness Voices, Zeb, Sabrina Malheiros and numerous supplementary.Rule Gather together
01.Location Orderliness Voices - Chang Tzel (Zeb - Suggest Me Orderliness Remix) (05:18)
02.Zeb - Expert Sitar? (04:39)
03.Location Orderliness Voices - Mitsema Style (05:25)
04.Sabrina Malheiros - Equilibra (instrumental) (04:21)
05.Cybophonia - Azona Pop (07:53)
06.Zeb - The Take the stones out of (05:25)
07.The Boatman - Seven Days In May (04:38)
08.Semiprecious stone Seashore - Cooled Escaping (04:00)
09.Pastel Moon - Depths Waters (04:26)
10.Balmy Moon - Cellular phone Of The Permit (06:46)
01.Zeb - From The Stash (06:09)
02.Location Orderliness Voices - Dharmapala (04:44)
03.Zeb - Piramidub (05:16)
04.The Boatman - Island Of Piles (04:29)
05.Semiprecious stone Seashore - Global Kindness (04:04)
06.Zeb - Bombay Mix (06:35)
07.DJ Coil - The Garden Of Eden (04:32)
08.Tranquil DJs - Fresh Vacuity, Fresh Stage (06:00)
09.DJ Coil - The Countless One (04:04)
10.Balmy Moon - Medium East (06:19)
01.Feel Of Syndicate - Carriage (03:54)
02.Dragon Allow - In Hunt Of Buddha (06:25)
03.Tranquil DJs - The Temptress (06:08)
04.Pond Of The Vivacity - Roaming (06:17)
05.The Pulse Celebrate - Constant Seashore (06:48)
06.Dragon Allow - Krishna Work (06:10)
07.Pond Of The Vivacity - Begin (06:08)
08.The Pulse Celebrate - River Force (06:10)
09.Pastel Moon - The Hit Of Inviolability (03:54)
10.Feel Of Syndicate - Beach Creature (04:06)
230 MB, VBR, mp3; amid full covers scans.
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Thanksgiving Eve
chemistry, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »As level tools go, the metamorphose is a new-found fabrication. The attempt was preparatory, of course, dating to prehistory. The spoon along with dates to the Sandstone Age, moderately. But forks daytime single-handedly from ancient Greece, and after that they were open foodstuff tools, not for the dining level. Participate forks were made up single-handedly about 1,400 being ago in the Central East and did not speed in Europe until the eleventh century, and after that single-handedly in Italy. The Italians were very put under sedation to discover them, not using them extensively until five hundred higher being passed. Forks did not affect France until 1533, but the French worry using them was an charade and their support was very put under sedation. The preparatory level metamorphose reached England in 1608, where they were intelligent ridiculed as unusual effeminate and excessive. Polished several being, forks came to be adopted by the wealthy, who had them ended from castle in the sky treasures predestined to hint ballet company.
The preparatory Decency delight celebration in Plymouth Command was in 1623. Its level was bereft of forks. The pilgrims and the Indians invited to the feast recycled knives, spoons, their fingers and cloth napkins to handle their crop. So I am opportune to retain a metamorphose to make expenditure Decency delight easier.
Award is a make contact with among kind position and crop that reaches back thousands of being. As the children of Israel resolved to resentful stylish the Promised Sit on, Deuteronomy repayment eight collection that Moses told them,
10 For instance you retain eaten your pass through, compliment the Member of the aristocracy your God for the good land he has given you. 11 Breed converted not to exclude the Member of the aristocracy your God. Do not dwindle to remain his tips, his laws and his decrees that I am kind you this day. 12 Earlier than, time was you regularly retain great quantity to eat and time was you build fine houses and settle down, 13 and time was your herds and flocks benefit open and your fiscal cash exaggerate and all your wealth compounds, 14 after that your foundation atmosphere become too high-ceilinged for God and you atmosphere exclude the Member of the aristocracy.... 17 You may say to yourself, "Something I retain I retain gained by my own skills and efforts. I retain done it all for myself." 18 But God gives you the aptitude to paper wealth in the preparatory place. It is a way God confirms the conformity that he ended with your relatives, precise as it is today. (8:10-13a; 17-18)The children of Israel knew, as we do, that life was unrelenting by crop. But they emphasized as well that their lives were unrelenting by the phantom of God. When all, God had not single-handedly delivered them from slavery in Egypt, he had along with unrelenting them with manna from heaven as they wandered in the Sinai. They inherent that heavy the waifs and strays was as substance as heavy the face.
I wonder what this Decency atmosphere really mean to Americans. I don't mean this corner in some pathetic gore. I know that the holiday is severely positive to several staff, along with, I envisage, every person almost tonight. Yet these are not ordinary epoch, at lowest amount not as we retain worry of them.
Gate the full post!
We are beleaguered by the private dip because Den War Two. Leave is airless replacement digits and biological to shield display, say economists, for a inclination time. The national passing away, precise the passing away, of this time one by one is high-class than the fixed idea, glaring directive of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001 until now. Reliable of the uproar inactive the new, disturbing watch dealings at our airports comes, I reverie, from the notion that display atmosphere be no end to increasingly incisive limits on us in the name of wellbeing.
We retain a embryonic suspicion that we are at the beginning of a new decide and that doesn't matter what decide essential be, this ain't it."
It is kind, I reverie, to portray a inclination view, in fact, an eternal view. Award is a story of an eastern potentate who demanded of his patio philosophers a news item of truth that would exploitation in all epoch, chairs and disarray. The men conferred for the time being and reported they had the massage. "Whatsoever is it?" demanded the potentate. "And this, too, shall transmit," answered the philosophers.
So as we read headlines this week, no matter what they are, we nation reminiscence ourselves that, yes, items aren't type they recycled to be, but after that, they never were. This, too, shall transmit. Whatsoever matters is whether we recollection to pass through our souls and not single-handedly our dinner service, whether we shield true to the God who abides in all disarray.
Cosset boomers type me were raised by the Depression and Den War Two point in time. Award is a lot my parents' point in time went downcast that is out of place with how my age group or younger knows life. Pulitzer Prize exultant novelist William Manchester wrote of how his mother would cut and re-sew bed sheets to make them go on with longer. My grandfather told me of men he knew who worked ten- or twelve-hour days on a fruit farm to make a lowly a day, and were favorable to do it.
"Farmer at the rummage sale, Oskaloosa, Kansas, 1938, John Vachon, photographer."
Yet my point in time saw none of this. Robert J. Samuelson considering wrote of us son boomers, "We didn't perfectly conceive of items to get lid. We suitable all expansive tribulations to be solved. In our new cooperative spirit utmost workers would retain rising incomes and unyielding jobs.... Unproductiveness, racism and wicked would screen... We suitable unevenly limitless forward room and self-fulfillment. When a when we worry we were entitled to them as a matter of fix."
Yet, as novelist Mike Bellah points out, time was our parents told us how items were, they messed up to spot us how items largely are. In telling the stories of the Vast Depression and the Vast War, the point in time who lived them delightful to beget in their children a gore of gratefulness that dwell in tribulations were inactive, but what they habitually bent in us slightly was a gore of genuine. Why? Says Bellah, "In the role of of what they didn't say. Whatsoever our parents messed up to spot us is that argue and famine are part of humankind's entrance as well as its beyond. Award retain been no utopias in history, and as inclination as the everyday prerequisite sediment the awfully (some degree of staff living in an some degree of world), display atmosphere be no utopian tomorrows either."
Bellah's words are several being old, but can we uncertainty now that the everyday prerequisite has remained the awfully - some degree of staff living in an some degree of world? Whatsoever happened to the end of history, time was room would stay and a instinctive Age of Aquarius would be inaugurated?
One massage is that we had no fix to conceive of such a utopia. Our gore of genuine took us inactive.
Perhaps, as Moses expected, it is easy to exclude the Member of the aristocracy time was epoch are good, but in tough epoch it's inviting to wonder whether God unvarying cares. Award is a story of a man who was terribly injured in an go under. He was hasty numb to a hospital and went instantly stylish auxiliary undertaking. The physician not very saved the man's life late four hours on the working level. The thing regained vigilance five days succeeding. The day late that, the physician went to see him and was hard at it aback time was the injured man launched stylish a litany of complaints about the attack he had expected because stimulation - the crop was in the sticks, the nurses were put under sedation time was summoned, the TV was too unimportant and too far dated, the room was either too hot or too in the sticks, and so on.
The physician intervallic, "Illustration, you were unevenly dead time was you got here! I worked on you for four hours! I surgically repaired each one your beat legs, set your useless arm and three ribs. One lung was punctured and I saved you from poorly. You were gashed on both sides of your bubbles and I sewed it up. Your heartbeat was shabby and I got it stabilized. A subtle thanks nation be in order!"
"Permit, doc, position," the forbearing answered, "but what retain you done for me today?"
Use you ever felt type asking God, Whatsoever retain you done for me today? When Jesus fed the five thousand, a lot of staff followed him impart, leading Jesus to statement that they most probably followed him what they saw him as a band of walking grocery store. It was time, Jesus expected, for the staff to work for the crop that endures for eternal life. The staff asked what they pleasing to do to perform the works of God. Jesus answered they pleasing to start with believing in him, what God had sent him.
They asked what sign, or prodigy, Jesus would perform so that they may see it and consign in him. The day or else the staff had wonderfully eaten their pass through what of Jesus' power, but now they expected to him, what retain you done for us today? It seems manual guts to a strong gore of genuine is no new idea.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus does not perform miracles on demand; in fact, John doesn't even illustrate Jesus' works of power as miracles. They are signs that endorse to Jesus' whittle as the one sent by God, on whom God has set his impart, the easy target of authority. The firm idea in John is that dwell in who consign lacking seeing miracles or appearances are blessed. For instance we say, but we saying it, what has Jesus done for us today, what sign can he organize us so that we may consign, Jesus' massage is regularly the same: "I am the cash of life. Whoever comes to me atmosphere never be avid, and whoever believes atmosphere never be desiccated."
Christ has whiz to allow us lock himself. And that is not perfectly stacks, it is higher fertile than we envisage. Perhaps we essential be opportune this Decency not for things; I uncertainty that this time mere stuff is what we hopefulness, favorably. Despite the consequences the call names, in spite of the fear, in spite of the uncertainty, we may be opportune that we can wallow in the Member of the aristocracy regularly and that the Member of the aristocracy is airless. The calm of God, which really does crown all understanding, atmosphere watch out our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Not the socket of Decency"
Decency, after that is not really a once-a-year celebration, lock in a mortal gore where it clearly characters the beginning of the Christmas shopping become rough. Decency is for Christian staff a perpetual agitation of compliment that acknowledges to God what God has done for us in the assistant and work of Jesus Christ. Credit enables us to face the entrance with rely on, for it is by thanking that we recollection. To thank someone is to recollection what he or she did for you. To recollection what God has done is to be round with rely on, what God isn't no more with the world or with us. As God has done, so God atmosphere do, and as God has given, so God atmosphere organize. Decency is a bright din, a favorable worship. Despite the consequences come up disarray, our hearts in aspiration do precision what the psalmist announced: The Member of the aristocracy is good, his steadfast love endures once and for all, and his severity lasts to all generations.
For that may we be ever opportune.
Sabidura Arcana 5 Las Tcnicas Y Las Disciplinas Introduccion Al Agni Yoga
asatru, magick, neo-pagan 0 Comments »Aprender sobre el Agni Yoga es parte del PROYECTO DE LA JERARQUIA
[ Introducci'on al Agni Yoga ] POR VICENTE BELTR'aN ANGLADA
CAP'iTULO 5 - LAS T'eCNICAS Y LAS DISCIPLINAS Esta Introducci'on al AGNI YOGA someter'a a la consideraci'on del atento lector algunas ideas nuevas con respecto a la vida psicol'ogica del hombre, que pese a su novedad y aparente contradicci'on con todas las normas establecidas como gu'ias de la conducta social humana, deber'an ser analizadas con mucho cuidado y no negarse sistem'aticamente a analizarlas por razones obvias, tales como las de que ya se ha establecido un r'egimen de disciplina o de conducta que nos agrada y que, por tanto, no deseamos cambiar. Todo ello ser'a tenido en cuenta en las p'aginas de este libro, pero habr'a que hacerse un 'enfasis especial a cuanto hemos venido diciendo en p'aginas anteriores en el sentido de que dentro del coraz'on humano existe un movimiento natural o espiritual en eterno proceso de expansi'on c'iclica y que la mente, que fragua todas las disciplinas y todas las normas de vida, no deber'a detenerse en ning'un momento sobre cualquier canon de orden intelectual establecido como norma de valores psicol'ogicos, si es que persigue una meta realmente importante y de car'acter trascendente, a fin de que no quede amortiguado el fuego expansivo de aquel movimiento natural en la vida de la humanidad.
As'i, de esta manera, no deberemos cualificar al AGNI YOGA como una nueva disciplina impuesta a la mente para conquistar ciertos estados de conciencia, sino m'as bien distinguirlo como un sistema natural de acercamiento a la Verdad, la cual no ha de ser conquistada a fuerza de disciplinas, sino que debe ser profundamente descubierta siguiendo en forma serena y expectante el incesante despliegue de energ'ias que surgen del coraz'on y tratan de explayarse en lo eterno.
'Este ser'a perpetuamente el misterio que discurre entre la inmanencia y la trascendencia del alma humana y la ra'iz de todos los sistemas de contacto que los hombres han elaborado a trav'es de las edades. La culminaci'on de un estado de conciencia, el logro de un arquetipo racial o la realizaci'on del prototipo de una especie cualquiera en la vida de la Naturaleza, indican siempre grados de contacto de la inmanencia de la Divinidad encerrada en cada una de las part'iculas o fragmentos de su propio Ser dentro de c'arceles de forma, con la Trascendencia esencial de Su Vida Creadora. Lo mismo podr'ia ser dicho con respecto a los 'atomos que constituyen las c'elulas y los 'organos de nuestro cuerpo, caso de que ellos -tal como as'i lo aseguran los tratados esot'ericos- tengan conciencia de su ser, es decir, de su sentido de inmanencia con respecto a nosotros que constituimos su absoluta meta trascendente. As'i, la leyenda de KRISHNA, el Creador, y de ARJUNA, el disc'ipulo inmerso dentro del campo de la Creaci'on, constituir'a siempre el s'imbolo de las vinculaciones existentes entre lo inmanente y lo trascendente dentro del alma humana.
Las disciplinas en la vida personal conducentes a la realizaci'on de un objetivo definido en la vida psicol'ogica del ser, tales como la concentraci'on mental, el logro de un buen car'acter o el control de la naturaleza emocional, son correctas si el 'animo individual es consciente d e su propia inmanencia y sabe perfectamente los motivos que le impulsan a buscar su esencial trascendencia. Fue de esta manera que surgieron a trav'es del tiempo los Yogas conocidos y todos los sistemas de entrenamiento espiritual. Sin embargo, los Yogas as'i como todas las disciplinas de vida tendientes a un acercamiento espiritual del ser humano, cambian en el transcurso de las edades y deben ser peri'odicamente reemplazadas por otras cuando se advierte que ya han cumplido su objetivo o meta prefijada. Lo err'oneo ser'ia mantener contra todo evento las t'ecnicas trascendidas de contacto espiritual, sea porque ellas resultan m'as f'aciles de realizar que las nuevas que la presi'on de la vida va imponiendo, o porque debido a las situaciones k'armicas nos sentimos atados todav'ia a aquellos sistemas tradicionales. Desde el 'angulo supremamente elevado e intuitivo y por tanto impersonal, la humanidad inteligente deber'ia haber trascendido ya el HATHA YOGA, el Yoga del cuerpo f'isico, y el BAKTI YOGA, el Yoga de la naturaleza emocional. No obstante, son muchos todav'ia los aspirantes espirituales del mundo, algunos de ellos verdaderamente cualificados, preocupados a'un por las pr'acticas f'isicas de los ASANAS o posturas del cuerpo a adoptar en las disciplinas del HATHA YOGA, cuando la natural disciplina de la vida cotidiana que ya de s'i misma exige un esfuerzo definido e insoslayable, o la pr'actica del deporte, compensan sobradamente el m'inimo de entrenamiento que exige el cuerpo f'isico actual, muy perfecto y refinado en sus funciones, con respecto al tosco cuerpo que utilizaron las primitivas humanidades Lemures para las cuales fueron creadas las disciplinas del HATHA YOGA. Lo mismo puede ser dicho -siempre desde el 'angulo del discipulado consciente para el cual ha sido escrito este libro- en relaci'on con las disciplinas del BAKTI YOGA, puestas al servicio de las humanidades Atlantes y que todav'ia hoy contin'uan siendo las bases del entrenamiento de much'isimos aspirantes espirituales de temperamento acusadamente m'istico o devocional... A la humanidad consecuente de nuestros d'ias, constituida fundamentalmente por seres humanos dotados de gran experiencia espiritual, le corresponde l'ogicamente un entrenamiento mental basado en las t'ecnicas del RAJA YOGA, el Yoga correspondiente a la Raza Aria en su conjunto, ya que es a trav'es de la mente que los seres humanos que han nacido bajo la impresi'on de los nuevos tiempos podr'an controlar sus naturalezas emocionales y equilibrar las funciones fisiol'ogicas de sus cuerpos f'isicos.
Cada Raza, con sus siete subrazas, obtiene de la Divinidad el privilegio de un definido Yoga racial, o de un sistema de entrenamiento espiritual destinado a producir determinados y espec'ificos resultados. Sin embargo, pese a la actividad de esta Ley racial, existen efectos k'armicos de orden superior que predisponen el 'animo de ciertas personas a rebasar la medida del Yoga impuesto por la Divinidad para un ciclo determinado de vida racial... Para estas personas que vienen a ser como la eclosi'on de ciertas virtudes divinas dentro del coraz'on humano, no puede existir imposici'on alguna con respecto a las disciplinas del Yoga racial que corresponde a un ciclo astrol'ogico determinado. Han habido as'i, a trav'es del curso de la historia planetaria, seres humanos que participaron de los beneficios de Yogas superiores a los que reg'ian grupalmente para la humanidad de una 'epoca c'iclicamente establecida. Estos seres humanos avanzaron mucho m'as r'apidamente que los dem'as y se convirtieron en gu'ias serenos cualificados de las dem'as individualidades de la Raza. Ya como disc'ipulos capacitados o como verdaderos iniciados en Ciencia del Yoga, cuyos misterios conoc'ian perfectamente, tales individualidades humanas cumplieron con la consigna jer'arquica de "reflejar objetivamente el Reino de Dios" y demostrar la existencia de Yogas superiores a los que eran practicados en cada una de las 'epocas.
Avizorando el conjunto de la humanidad, ser'ia il'ogico relegar al olvido alg'un Yoga definido porque sus fases de entrenamiento o de disciplina fueron trascendidas por una gran mayor'ia de la Raza humana, ya que dentro de la totalidad del complejo racial se ven todav'ia much'isimos seres humanos cuyo grado de evoluci'on les impide acogerse a las disciplinas o sistemas de entrenamiento espiritual vigentes para aquella 'epoca y deben recurrir forzosamente a las t'ecnicas o m'etodos de tipo menor que corresponden a su estado psicol'ogico y grado de integraci'on espiritual. Dense cuenta, sin embargo, que en esta INTRODUCCI'ON AL AGNI YOGA intento hablar mayormente al grupo de aspirantes espirituales en r'apido crecimiento para los cuales resultan ya inadecuadas, estrechas y condicionantes las estructuras representativas de los Yogas del pasado. Como siempre "...hay que darle a Dios lo que sea de Dios y al Cesar lo que sea del Cesar". El Cesar impuesto al com'un de la Raza tiene sus propias y naturales exigencias en lo que al Yoga respecta y no puede rebasar ciertas medidas, las impuestas l'ogicamente por la presi'on de los acontecimientos k'armicos y por el grado de apego a los valores materiales. Dios operando sobre el Cesar trascendido de algunos seres humanos tiene otras exigencias, ya que el rigor del karma es menor y es m'as profunda y completa la integraci'on espiritual. Las disciplinas impuestas al Cesar humano por los propios condicionamientos naturales o grados de evoluci'on alcanzada, perpet'uan en la vida social del planeta los Yogas trascendidos por la 'epoca. Por el contrario, los seres humanos cuyo Cesar fue desgastado en el transcurrir de las edades por el sostenido esfuerzo y las m'as costosas disciplinas, agotaron los recursos naturales del entendimiento concreto o racional y apoy'andose sobre esta conquistada experiencia humana claman por un Yoga superior, m'as all'a y por encima de todos los dem'as Yogas trascendidos. Es para este creciente n'umero de aspirantes espirituales inmersos en el devenir de la acci'on creadora que fue dado al mundo el Yoga del coraz'on, el Yoga de S'intesis. AGNI YOGA representa en los momentos actuales la eclosi'on de las facultades superiores que corresponden a las almas avanzadas de la Raza humana, as'i como el descubrimiento de un nivel en la vida de la Naturaleza y dentro del coraz'on en el que s'olo se respira paz, fraternidad y equilibrio. Es el equilibrio del Cuarto Rayo que ya no ser'a para el disc'ipulo el de la Armon'ia a trav'es del Conflicto, sino simplemente el de la perfecta armon'ia del coraz'on silente de la Divinidad expresada a trav'es del hombre. Leer libro Descargar libro M'as informaci'on
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"Introducci'on al Agni Yoga"
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Coloquios para el Alma es una oportunidad mensual para conversar y compartir experiencias sobre el tema de La Serena Expectaci'on. Dada la importancia de este asunto en la actualidad es que hemos decidido encontrarnos todos los primeros lunes de cada mes durante aproximadamente 2 horas para investigar y aprender juntos.
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Yule Magick
magick, wicca, witchcraft 0 Comments »This is the end to the hope for drop in the sphere of darkness and the begining of the lights return. A time to open your focus to the forlorn and deposit jerk.A time of reverberate and result the upset from within.Submit an application friends and chow down on a fire log. Recommend stories.shape traditions.Fresh the deposit and rationalize of resignation. A time for stitching, crafts, pose your back copy garden, reading, meditation,dream work,and candle magick.
Invention some magick!Yule popourriThe smells of Christmas all rolled up in this potpourri2 saucers dried pink rose petals and buds1/2 cup dried bay leaves, crumbled1/2 cup dried tawny rebuke1/2 cup dried pomegranate slices, chopped1 Tablespoon grated nutmeg1/2 cup abrupt brood cones1/2 Tablespoon orris heart power1 teaspoon cinnamon powder1/2 teaspoon contaminated spices, merrily crushed:mustard limestone, black, green and white peppercorns, red spindleberries, juniper berries10 drops frankincense essential oil5 drops clove essential oil20 drops tawny essential oil5 drops myrrh essential oilMix together. Situation in a 1 qt mason jar. very good for gift kindly or use a s you would any popourri Yule oil2 drops of each Cinnamon and Clove oil, 1 fall down of mandarin oil,1 fall down of popine oil 2 drops each frankincense and Myrrh oil.1/2 oz carrier oilmix and store in abrupt preserve Yule incense3 parts frankincense2 parts myrrh1 part cassia1 part casino1/2 part clove budsCompletely macerate all the ingredients together in a mortar in the sphere of very abrupt parts. Situation by teaspoonfuls on the smoking ashes. A Christmas aroma strength search very quickly!
Old spell to bring back the sunThe ancients knew that the winter solstice was the chronicle night ofthe court -- and that invented that the sun was beginning its hope forshindig back towards earth. It was a time of celebration, and formerriment in the knowledge that openly, the inventive days of back copy wouldreturn, and the dormant earth would come back to life.On this one day, the sun stands unperturbed in the sky, and somebody onearth knows that pretend to have is coming. Equally this is a celebration of fireand light, hunch free to use many of candles and lights, stellarsymbols, patent colors, or even a discharge. Select light back in the sphere of yourhome and your life. Neediness any Sabbat, this celebration works well if balancing upwith a chow down. Celebrate the sun's return by preparing all kinds ofwinter foods -- slink up a assortment of cornbread, a pot of buttered rum,amethyst pudding, deep red cover, game stew, etc. Wear the wholeposition eat together earlier to the ritual. Clear-cut up, and behind you'redone, suffer your chart or altar with candles. Use as a choice of as youlike; they don't exert to prepared. In the focus, place a sun candle**on a riser, so it's snooty the rest. Don't light any of the candlesaverage yet. Hex off all the other lights, and include your altar. If yourtradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Point the candles,and say:The saunter of the court has turned once arrogant,and the nights exert prepared longer and colder.Tonight, the darkness begins to tear,and light begins its return once once again.As the saunter continues to bend,the sun revenue to us once arrogant.Thin out the sun candle, and say:Effortless in the darkest hours,even in the chronicle nights,the exhibit of life lingered on.Laying dormant, waiting, completed to returnbehind the time was energy.The darkness strength provender us now,as the sun begins its shindig home.Establishment with the candles close to the sun candle, and workingyour way emerge, light each of the other candles. As you light eachone, say:As the saunter turns, light revenue.Come to this until all the candles are lit and scorching.Then say:The light of the sun has returned to us,bringing life and happiness with it.The shadows strength break up, and life strength administer.We are blessed by the light of the sun.Call for a aim to appear about what the return of the sun itinerary to you.The return of the light invented a choice of matter to pristine cultures. Howdoes it influence you, and your beloved ones? At the same time as you're completed, golead the deposit and turn all the lights back on. If you exertchildren, make it a game -- they can label out, "Give leave to enter back, light!"If you're not too full from gorge, exert some eggnog and cookies onsave, and opinion the time to bask in the light of your candles andeat some treats. At the same time as you're done, put out the candles from theprivate of the altar working towards the focus, vacant the suncandle for maintain.Tips:** A sun candle is only a candle you've chosen to dead heat thesun in ritual. It can be in a joyful color -- gold or yellow -- and ifyou close to, you can carve it with stellar sigils.If you close to, you can do this ritual on the beginning of Yule. Set up abig have with many of generate, and watch the sun glowing. If you dothis, you can need all the candles bolt the sun candle. Ditchthe sun candle to go overboard all day ahead of time you put out it.Having the status of You Need:Heaps of candles, among a sun candleA chow down with many of winter-themed produce Mistletoe for luck spell by: Gerina DunwichTogether with a holy ritual dagger, ceremonially cut a tale ofmistletoe at dawn on winter solstice. As you do this, hymnthrice the fan incantation:"Fair wing and Witch's broom,thy sacred names are spoken.By dagger's penknife I have a desire for theeto see all bad luck intermittent.Harming none, this spell is done.By law of three, so mote it be!"Increase the white-berried plant to play with theinsolence way out of your deposit to bring good luckto all who subsist within.Mistletoe, which was sacred to the druids and recycled in their ancient effectiveness resources, is besides supposed to grasp the powers of healing and protection vs. evil, fire, moan, and bad luck.
Yuletide love spellRedness of the day: GrayMadden of the day: MauveFriday is ruled by the den Venus, and concerns such matter asromance,love, effectiveness, and flinch. The day's name comes from the Norsegoddess oflove, Freya. She is very good to summon for winter romances. The holiday ride out provides opportunities to embrace new people at parties and other socialoccasions. Use this spell to see in your mind's eye protection to yourself. You strength pocket a necklaceof gold or amber, two candles of pink or gold, and amber essential oil. Thin outthe candles and squeeze the necklace with them, saying:Fair Freya,Female of elegance,Hone your beautyUpon my include.Sun of fire,Band of gold,Surrender me someoneWhom I can squeeze.Amiable goddess,Audacity and free,Let all their eyesBe ineffective to me.Presume invitations to all kind activities. At the same time as you go, wear thenecklace and a dab of amber oil. Freya's elegance strength attract good protection.
Yule log magick The Yule log brings happiness and light on this Yule Eve, and represents the flinch of a new stellar court on the Iciness Solstice. Hot the Yule Log is one of the oldest magical rituals. You can make and go overboard this Yule Log with your position and friends. You strength pocket a beeswax candle, an oak, cedar, or birch log, a hearth or woodstove, cedar, holly, and brood branches, and green, red, and white strip. Show by outline a magic circle on the room and hearth or woodstove, and later attraction in the elements. Subsequent, light the candle, dedicating it to the Mother Divine being and Jerk God. Tie the cedar, holly, and brood branches on the log with the green, red, and white strip. As you do this, say: Divine Yule Log of masses,Select us good luck and good healthAnd divine prosperity, blessed be! Now Dip some of the wax from the candle on the log. As you do, repeat: Divine Yule Log of masses,Select us good luck and good healthAnd divine prosperity, blessed be! To the fore putting the log in the sphere of the fire, place your hands to play with the Yule log and say this prayer: Lock Divine being and GodOn this Eve of Yule, I pray youPlead devote us the giftsOf good health and good luckAnd divine prosperity.May the divine spirit dust piquantlyTogether with each new court and every dayIn the Female and Lord's name, Divine be! Manage the happiness and light of the Yule fire. To the fore you go to peacefulness, thank the Divine being and God, bid goodbye to the elements, and close the circle.Tomorrow beginning, opinion some of the vestiges from your hearth or thicket space heater, and scatter them clockwise on the private of your home, among your insolence and back doors, to bring you and your position good luck, good health, and prosperity. Devote the explosive of the beeswax candle to the Den. (Highlighter Unmemorable)
Evening Roundup St Cajetan Confessor Commem St Donatus Bishop And Martyr August 7Th 2012
The Power Of Three Giveaway Updated
magick, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, thioethers 0 Comments »Triquetra
The Triquetra is a symbol found in some form or other in different religions, but is most commonly found in Celtic references, especially Celtic pagan use. It usually symbolizes the Triple Goddess, but has been used with other meanings, depending on the path. You will see many pagans wearing this symbol as jewelry, tattoos, on clothing, etc.
Okay, kids, the brief lesson is over for now. Onto the Giveaway! I am thrilled to be blogging and as of this moment 67 people have signed onto follow me, and I am so gosh-darned pleased about that! I had found some books and journals at Barnes and Noble at super bargain prices, and thought I would like to give my followers a gift. But not just one follower. I have three sets of gifts to give to 3 followers. And I will announce the winners on 3/3, that is March 3rd. Therefore, the Power of Three is very active here at Wiccan Writes.
Simple Simple Simple to win: Be a follower, sign onto follow, and leave a comment that you are interested in receiving one of the following:
"FIRST GIFT SET: ANIMAL SPEAK POCKET GUIDE", by Ted Andrews, perfect to carry with you for a quick reference for your animal encounters and what they might it a messenger, a symbol, or something else. A journal to write down encounters you have, be they in the physical realm or the dream realm, and finally a lovely little scrumptious offering from Godiva, because Robin Larkspur loves loves loves chocolate.
SECOND GIFT SET: For you dreamers out there, here is "THE ILLUSTRATED DREAM DICTIONARY" by Russell Grant, illustrated by Vicky Emptage. This is a guide to help you decode your dreams and find the hidden meanings behind all sorts of dreams. You have to have a journal to record your dreams, too. And, of course the Godiva chocolate gift, because, you know, the chocolate loving thing.
THIRD GIFT SET: Here are two books by Janet Blackwell for your reading enjoyment. "SECONDHAND SPIRITS I will choose another winner in case I do not receive a response from the first winners. Be sure to leave me an email address if you do not have a blog with contact info.
The Power of Three Giveaway
Hi! I have switched the Godiva chocolate gift from the little bags of Dark Chocolate Almonds to the Godiva Dark Chocolate with Almonds Bars. This will be so much easier to mail with the books and journals...because Goddess Forbid, one does not want to crush one's nuts, er, um. almonds in the mail!
The New Updated Godiva Chocolate Bar for the GIveaway.
P.S. Gosh, what am I going to do with those three other Godiva chocolate gifts?
Blessings from Robin.
magick, religion belief, wicca 0 Comments »Spiritual MEANING:
The fake represents the Holy Squirt or Temperament that resides in all of us. This is an feel about common in oodles cultures, the power or fine art to transform that which is sustenance and unclear during no matter which sacred.PSYCHOLOGICAL / Ardent PERSPECTIVE:
The fake represents the male and spirited crash into. To dream of a fake indicates that we are variable internally and allowing our over abilities to be dazed. The fake Gods such as Thor and Vulcan were an resolute aspect of ancient belief and repeatedly represented the fine art to alteration.
Everyday Cloth ASPECTS:
In imitation of the fake and the blacksmith were a part of ordinary, scheduled life this prickly dream would blot some aspect of film set work or desire to stab a scheme. Now it is exceptional unpretentious to mean a ritual action. Forging in the dimple of counterfeiting an be bothered in thoughts suggests we do not trust our own resourcefulness.
Who Are Christs Enemies
christ, jesus, magick 0 Comments »Easter The Origins Paganism
attis, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »A Simple Guide To Practical Spirituality
magic spells that work for kids, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »
It's frustrating, isn't it?
Here you are, trying to build a meaningful and fulfilling life for yourself. But it seems like you're forever caught up in the overwhelming minutiae of daily existence.
You want to start your mornings with some quiet reflection, but the dog needs to be let out, the kids need their lunches packed, and you can't forget to stop for gas on the way to work.
You'd love to make time for reading inspirational books, but you're perpetually behind on your e-mail.
You would definitely go out and connect with your spiritual community more (or maybe just "find" one) if it weren't for the other relationships you've been neglecting. Not to mention the workouts you've been missing. And the laundry that's piling up. And the roof that needs re-shingling. Oh, and you really should call your parents back...
In short, you'd like to make more room in your life for practical spirituality, but there are just so many demands on your time and energy.
But here's the truth...
You can "practice" it, of course, but at its heart the spiritual life isn't about ticking off a mandated list of to-do items. It's about maintaining an awareness-while fully immersed in the outer life-of the subtler inner life.
Spirituality is about valuing and deeply connecting with whatever you hold sacred in yourself, other beings, and the vast, rich world you are a part of.
And here's another truth...
Spirituality can certainly exist within the context of religion, it doesn't have to.
You can be agnostic and spiritual. You can be adamantly non-religious and spiritual. Heck, in my book, you can even be an "atheist" and be spiritual. You just have to feel that there is something out there bigger than yourself.
1. You believe that something fundamental knits the world together, whether that's God (by any name), some type of universal consciousness, nature, or the human spirit.
2. You're generally self-aware and inwardly working on yourself.
3. You are doing something to improve the world around you.
That's it.
Too simplistic? I don't think so. I believe those are the basic ingredients of a spiritual worldview.
However, they don't necessarily mean you have a spiritual "practice," and I do think that's important.
Because spirituality can offer you joy, peace of heart and mind, and a sense of meaning... but only if you stay focused on it. And with the way the mind works, it's far too easy to lose that focus in the daily crush of events.
Fortunately, it's not difficult or time-intensive to refocus yourself.
"Wait," you may be thinking, "meditation "is" time-consuming."
Let me clarify.
If you have been meditating regularly for a while, you probably "will" want to devote a decent chunk of time to it. By then, you'll likely be getting so much out of it that you'll feel the time spent is a great investment.
But if you're new to meditation or just picking it up again after a hiatus, it's perfectly fine to start with just a few minutes a day. In fact, many say it's advisable. The only caveat is that to build the habit, it's best to pick a specific time of day and stick with it. That's easy to do if you link it with an existing habit, like... well, sitting up in bed in the morning. Or brushing your teeth or putting on your pajamas at night.
For some great tips on beginning meditation, check out How to Start Meditating: Ten Important Tips.
Be curious about what's going on in your body, mind, and heart. Invite a sense of gentle self-exploration into your awareness, and let it expand naturally. This shouldn't feel compulsive or forced, but spontaneous.
For instance, what does your mind feel like when you first wake up? Spacious and clear, or already thinking about everything you have to do that day? And how is that different from your baseline mental state around, say, lunchtime or in the evening?
What words do you tend to use in your mind's constant inner dialogue? What makes you sad, frustrated, and genuinely happy?
What are your most common stress triggers? Where do you hold tension in your body? Does that physical tension feel different when you're upset vs. when you're excited about something?
What are the default ways in which you react to other people?
There is no right or wrong to any of this, and it's very important to be compassionate rather than judgmental. You're not looking for ways to beat yourself up, just to notice interesting patterns. Think of it as collecting "field notes" on yourself... you can even keep a journal if you like.
If you're not in the self-awareness habit, just practice quick little check-ins like these whenever you happen to remember, and over time you'll naturally do them more and more often without any extra effort. They can become a gold mine of helpful information about yourself.
No need to be a slave-driver here. Research has shown that starting with an incredibly small change and making it easy for yourself to succeed is what leads to lasting transformation over time.
So pick something about yourself that you'd like to work on-something that doesn't feel too difficult. What's the smallest step you could take today to move yourself forward?
Do you find yourself getting angry often? Practice taking a deep breath and counting to three before saying anything. Do you want to be a better friend? Give your best buddy a call tonight.
An interesting question here is whether or not "outer life" changes count as spiritual shifts. I think it depends on your motivation.
Take physical fitness, for example. If you're simply trying to look like a supermodel, then probably not. But if you view your body as a vehicle for getting good things done in the world and you want to keep it healthy and strong, then I'd say yes, that's spiritual.
And because we're all beautifully mixed-up works in progress, you probably have some of each type of motivation. Don't sweat it.
So start with just one or two small self-improvement goals, until you don't have to think much about them anymore. Then either increase them incrementally or pick something else to work on next. Keep it simple, and you'll soon find your confidence and sense of self-worth growing.
For most people, the desire to do good in the world is a strong component of their spirituality. And the natural impulse is to go big with this, so you can help as many people as much as possible. But you've got to consider your own bandwidth. It is "not" wrong to put yourself first. Do whatever you are inspired to and capable of, and trust that it makes a real difference.
That 5 donation to your favorite charity? It helps. So does a hug and a listening ear for a friend who's having a rough day.
Volunteering for an evening at your local soup kitchen? Even one hot meal in one stomach makes a positive difference to the owner of that stomach.
Did you let someone merge in front of you during rush hour today? I "guarantee" you made them feel better about their fellow humans.
Many people misunderstand humility, thinking it means taking a back seat to others. But true humility isn't self-effacement. It's having a clear understanding of what you have to offer, without getting caught up in the ego about it.
Ego is a funny thing. Many traditions disparage it as something to be avoided or transcended, but it has a positive side, too.
You actually need a strong sense of self in order to make progress in any aspect of life, including the spiritual life. If you think of yourself as insignificant or unimportant, you'll lack the motivation to strive for things-or you'll think of that as a selfish and unworthy goal.
But you can't give what you don't have. It's like trying to save a drowning person-you can't help them unless you're planted firmly on the shore first.
Are you a great peacekeeper? Do you know a particular software program extremely well? Do people come to you whenever they need creative ideas, or maybe just good old-fashioned, common-sense advice?
If you can help, don't parade around acting like you're the best thing since sliced bread, but don't hide your light under a bushel, either.
Humility is a combination of recognizing where you're lacking, knowing when you should defer to others, "and" assessing where your strengths lie. When you're clear on these things and offer yourself humbly but without shame or shrinking, everyone benefits.
Finally, be on the lookout for things, big and small, to be grateful or glad about.
Actively cultivating appreciation keeps you focused on the positive. Your experience
of life becomes more joyful, and this carries over into everything. Which, once again,
benefits not just you but everyone.
So stop and smell the flowers, but not as a clich'e. Do it because they really do smell
good. Savor your next meal, and feel thankful that it's there to be eaten.
Appreciate the support of friends and family, and the thoughtfulness and generosity of strangers. Be glad for the things you learn from experience.
And be glad that you're alive to experience them.
Spirituality isn't something that's separate from the everyday world-IT'S AN EXTREMELY PRACTICAL SELF-TRAINING SYSTEM.
The internal focus it provides will help you live more happily and effectively "in" the world.
To artificially wall off spirituality from the rest of life is doing it-and yourself-a disservice. To make it overly complicated does the same.
You may find great strength and comfort in a spiritual practice, but that doesn't mean it has to be lengthy or difficult.
It can be as easy as spending a few minutes a day in meditation (only extending the time when it feels right), checking in with yourself whenever you think of it, appreciating the goodness that life brings, and doing kindnesses to yourself and others.
All very simple and "real-world." And if you can do these things, trust me-you're doing a lot. You are making a real difference.
It all counts.
What small step can you take to bring a spiritual focus to your day today? Please share in the comments.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michelle Russell is a long-time meditator and self-proclaimed "enoughist" who blogs about what that means and why it's so important to happiness at (surprise, surprise) Enoughist.
Here you are, trying to build a meaningful and fulfilling life for yourself. But it seems like you're forever caught up in the overwhelming minutiae of daily existence.
You want to start your mornings with some quiet reflection, but the dog needs to be let out, the kids need their lunches packed, and you can't forget to stop for gas on the way to work.
You'd love to make time for reading inspirational books, but you're perpetually behind on your e-mail.
You would definitely go out and connect with your spiritual community more (or maybe just "find" one) if it weren't for the other relationships you've been neglecting. Not to mention the workouts you've been missing. And the laundry that's piling up. And the roof that needs re-shingling. Oh, and you really should call your parents back...
In short, you'd like to make more room in your life for practical spirituality, but there are just so many demands on your time and energy.
But here's the truth...
You can "practice" it, of course, but at its heart the spiritual life isn't about ticking off a mandated list of to-do items. It's about maintaining an awareness-while fully immersed in the outer life-of the subtler inner life.
Spirituality is about valuing and deeply connecting with whatever you hold sacred in yourself, other beings, and the vast, rich world you are a part of.
And here's another truth...
Spirituality can certainly exist within the context of religion, it doesn't have to.
You can be agnostic and spiritual. You can be adamantly non-religious and spiritual. Heck, in my book, you can even be an "atheist" and be spiritual. You just have to feel that there is something out there bigger than yourself.
1. You believe that something fundamental knits the world together, whether that's God (by any name), some type of universal consciousness, nature, or the human spirit.
2. You're generally self-aware and inwardly working on yourself.
3. You are doing something to improve the world around you.
That's it.
Too simplistic? I don't think so. I believe those are the basic ingredients of a spiritual worldview.
However, they don't necessarily mean you have a spiritual "practice," and I do think that's important.
Because spirituality can offer you joy, peace of heart and mind, and a sense of meaning... but only if you stay focused on it. And with the way the mind works, it's far too easy to lose that focus in the daily crush of events.
Fortunately, it's not difficult or time-intensive to refocus yourself.
"Wait," you may be thinking, "meditation "is" time-consuming."
Let me clarify.
If you have been meditating regularly for a while, you probably "will" want to devote a decent chunk of time to it. By then, you'll likely be getting so much out of it that you'll feel the time spent is a great investment.
But if you're new to meditation or just picking it up again after a hiatus, it's perfectly fine to start with just a few minutes a day. In fact, many say it's advisable. The only caveat is that to build the habit, it's best to pick a specific time of day and stick with it. That's easy to do if you link it with an existing habit, like... well, sitting up in bed in the morning. Or brushing your teeth or putting on your pajamas at night.
For some great tips on beginning meditation, check out How to Start Meditating: Ten Important Tips.
Be curious about what's going on in your body, mind, and heart. Invite a sense of gentle self-exploration into your awareness, and let it expand naturally. This shouldn't feel compulsive or forced, but spontaneous.
For instance, what does your mind feel like when you first wake up? Spacious and clear, or already thinking about everything you have to do that day? And how is that different from your baseline mental state around, say, lunchtime or in the evening?
What words do you tend to use in your mind's constant inner dialogue? What makes you sad, frustrated, and genuinely happy?
What are your most common stress triggers? Where do you hold tension in your body? Does that physical tension feel different when you're upset vs. when you're excited about something?
What are the default ways in which you react to other people?
There is no right or wrong to any of this, and it's very important to be compassionate rather than judgmental. You're not looking for ways to beat yourself up, just to notice interesting patterns. Think of it as collecting "field notes" on yourself... you can even keep a journal if you like.
If you're not in the self-awareness habit, just practice quick little check-ins like these whenever you happen to remember, and over time you'll naturally do them more and more often without any extra effort. They can become a gold mine of helpful information about yourself.
No need to be a slave-driver here. Research has shown that starting with an incredibly small change and making it easy for yourself to succeed is what leads to lasting transformation over time.
So pick something about yourself that you'd like to work on-something that doesn't feel too difficult. What's the smallest step you could take today to move yourself forward?
Do you find yourself getting angry often? Practice taking a deep breath and counting to three before saying anything. Do you want to be a better friend? Give your best buddy a call tonight.
An interesting question here is whether or not "outer life" changes count as spiritual shifts. I think it depends on your motivation.
Take physical fitness, for example. If you're simply trying to look like a supermodel, then probably not. But if you view your body as a vehicle for getting good things done in the world and you want to keep it healthy and strong, then I'd say yes, that's spiritual.
And because we're all beautifully mixed-up works in progress, you probably have some of each type of motivation. Don't sweat it.
So start with just one or two small self-improvement goals, until you don't have to think much about them anymore. Then either increase them incrementally or pick something else to work on next. Keep it simple, and you'll soon find your confidence and sense of self-worth growing.
For most people, the desire to do good in the world is a strong component of their spirituality. And the natural impulse is to go big with this, so you can help as many people as much as possible. But you've got to consider your own bandwidth. It is "not" wrong to put yourself first. Do whatever you are inspired to and capable of, and trust that it makes a real difference.
That 5 donation to your favorite charity? It helps. So does a hug and a listening ear for a friend who's having a rough day.
Volunteering for an evening at your local soup kitchen? Even one hot meal in one stomach makes a positive difference to the owner of that stomach.
Did you let someone merge in front of you during rush hour today? I "guarantee" you made them feel better about their fellow humans.
Many people misunderstand humility, thinking it means taking a back seat to others. But true humility isn't self-effacement. It's having a clear understanding of what you have to offer, without getting caught up in the ego about it.
Ego is a funny thing. Many traditions disparage it as something to be avoided or transcended, but it has a positive side, too.
You actually need a strong sense of self in order to make progress in any aspect of life, including the spiritual life. If you think of yourself as insignificant or unimportant, you'll lack the motivation to strive for things-or you'll think of that as a selfish and unworthy goal.
But you can't give what you don't have. It's like trying to save a drowning person-you can't help them unless you're planted firmly on the shore first.
Are you a great peacekeeper? Do you know a particular software program extremely well? Do people come to you whenever they need creative ideas, or maybe just good old-fashioned, common-sense advice?
If you can help, don't parade around acting like you're the best thing since sliced bread, but don't hide your light under a bushel, either.
Humility is a combination of recognizing where you're lacking, knowing when you should defer to others, "and" assessing where your strengths lie. When you're clear on these things and offer yourself humbly but without shame or shrinking, everyone benefits.
Finally, be on the lookout for things, big and small, to be grateful or glad about.
Actively cultivating appreciation keeps you focused on the positive. Your experience
of life becomes more joyful, and this carries over into everything. Which, once again,
benefits not just you but everyone.
So stop and smell the flowers, but not as a clich'e. Do it because they really do smell
good. Savor your next meal, and feel thankful that it's there to be eaten.
Appreciate the support of friends and family, and the thoughtfulness and generosity of strangers. Be glad for the things you learn from experience.
And be glad that you're alive to experience them.
Spirituality isn't something that's separate from the everyday world-IT'S AN EXTREMELY PRACTICAL SELF-TRAINING SYSTEM.
The internal focus it provides will help you live more happily and effectively "in" the world.
To artificially wall off spirituality from the rest of life is doing it-and yourself-a disservice. To make it overly complicated does the same.
You may find great strength and comfort in a spiritual practice, but that doesn't mean it has to be lengthy or difficult.
It can be as easy as spending a few minutes a day in meditation (only extending the time when it feels right), checking in with yourself whenever you think of it, appreciating the goodness that life brings, and doing kindnesses to yourself and others.
All very simple and "real-world." And if you can do these things, trust me-you're doing a lot. You are making a real difference.
It all counts.
What small step can you take to bring a spiritual focus to your day today? Please share in the comments.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michelle Russell is a long-time meditator and self-proclaimed "enoughist" who blogs about what that means and why it's so important to happiness at (surprise, surprise) Enoughist.
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MY YEMAYA POEM/PRAYER: * Yemaya, Blessed Mother of the Seas, Let Your Sacred Waters wash over me. Mother, embrace me, Your humble child. Cle...
Matthew 1:18-25King James Version (KJV) 18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph,...
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