Increasing Spell Power With The Blue Moon
magick, mental, witchcraft supplies 0 Comments »Well, typically in a season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) there are three full moons per season. A full moon is where the moon is a perfect circle in the night sky. On rare occasions there are four full moons in one season, and the third one of these four full moons is called a BLUE MOON. Today, August 31st 2012, is one of those days where we will see a Blue Moon.
blue moon
A full moon in itself is a great time for casting spells. When the moon is full it increases the energy on the planet, and increases the power of the spiritual world and entities. That is why they say Werewolves come out on the full moon. People transform in essence with the power the full moon offers.
If you don't believe me ask my mom, she has been a nurse for over 30 years and she says on the psychiatric ward strange things always happen on a full moon and people change. This is because psych patients are often quite sensitive to the energies of the spirit world and are easily influenced by spiritual forces. Also, a sad truth, some psych patients are people who have tried to learn magick and had it backfire on them or had entities take control and torment them. On the Full Moon the spiritual forces are out and in full force and effecting and influencing those who are sensitive to them. With a BLUE MOON this effect is even stronger.
That being said for grounded magicians who understand these forces and know how to handle them, the full moon is a great time for Invocation, Evocation, Summoning and Conjuring. Basically it is a great night to converse with entities and receive guidance from them.
"Yes, Some people who attempt to contact entities can be harmed by them. Which is why before doing anything of this sort you need to know how to defend yourself, protect yourself and have experience and knowledge handing spiritual energy and forces. Like anything take it slow and stay within your comfort zone. Do not attempt to try spiritual exercises that you are not ready for."
That being said, not all entities are dangerous and bad, we all have natural spirit guides that follow us around and help us in our everyday lives. People have guardian Angels and some have Guardian Demons. There are those that have awaken the ability to communicate with their higher selves and ask for guidance, and those who converse with their ancestors and ancient masters. If you desire to connect with spiritual forces I would suggest making contact with your own guides or higher self as they wish to serve and protect you, not harm you.
When a Full Moon is out, it is the perfect time to connect and seek council from these entities if you have the experience and desire. A BLUE MOON is even more powerful because of how rare it is. The clarity that can be achieved by making contact with entities is amazing with the crystal clear energies radiating off of the BLUE MOON.
Here is a link to a great rituals for charging yourself with the energies of the moon and connecting with you higher self during a Blue Moon. Moon Meditation : Opening the Gateway
Paying attention to the phases of the moon and the seasons and lining up your spells to match those times can be very beneficial for spell casting. Different times of the year resonate different energies and those energies can amplify the effectiness of your spells. So take advantage of what the season have to offer, and even if you don't really want to do any spells it is worth it to just get outside for a few moment and gaze at the Blue Moon. Nature is a beautiful site to behold and has a lot of magick to offer.