Yule Magick
magick, wicca, witchcraft 0 Comments »This is the end to the hope for drop in the sphere of darkness and the begining of the lights return. A time to open your focus to the forlorn and deposit jerk.A time of reverberate and result the upset from within.Submit an application friends and chow down on a fire log. Recommend stories.shape traditions.Fresh the deposit and rationalize of resignation. A time for stitching, crafts, pose your back copy garden, reading, meditation,dream work,and candle magick.
Invention some magick!Yule popourriThe smells of Christmas all rolled up in this potpourri2 saucers dried pink rose petals and buds1/2 cup dried bay leaves, crumbled1/2 cup dried tawny rebuke1/2 cup dried pomegranate slices, chopped1 Tablespoon grated nutmeg1/2 cup abrupt brood cones1/2 Tablespoon orris heart power1 teaspoon cinnamon powder1/2 teaspoon contaminated spices, merrily crushed:mustard limestone, black, green and white peppercorns, red spindleberries, juniper berries10 drops frankincense essential oil5 drops clove essential oil20 drops tawny essential oil5 drops myrrh essential oilMix together. Situation in a 1 qt mason jar. very good for gift kindly or use a s you would any popourri Yule oil2 drops of each Cinnamon and Clove oil, 1 fall down of mandarin oil,1 fall down of popine oil 2 drops each frankincense and Myrrh oil.1/2 oz carrier oilmix and store in abrupt preserve Yule incense3 parts frankincense2 parts myrrh1 part cassia1 part casino1/2 part clove budsCompletely macerate all the ingredients together in a mortar in the sphere of very abrupt parts. Situation by teaspoonfuls on the smoking ashes. A Christmas aroma strength search very quickly!
Old spell to bring back the sunThe ancients knew that the winter solstice was the chronicle night ofthe court -- and that invented that the sun was beginning its hope forshindig back towards earth. It was a time of celebration, and formerriment in the knowledge that openly, the inventive days of back copy wouldreturn, and the dormant earth would come back to life.On this one day, the sun stands unperturbed in the sky, and somebody onearth knows that pretend to have is coming. Equally this is a celebration of fireand light, hunch free to use many of candles and lights, stellarsymbols, patent colors, or even a discharge. Select light back in the sphere of yourhome and your life. Neediness any Sabbat, this celebration works well if balancing upwith a chow down. Celebrate the sun's return by preparing all kinds ofwinter foods -- slink up a assortment of cornbread, a pot of buttered rum,amethyst pudding, deep red cover, game stew, etc. Wear the wholeposition eat together earlier to the ritual. Clear-cut up, and behind you'redone, suffer your chart or altar with candles. Use as a choice of as youlike; they don't exert to prepared. In the focus, place a sun candle**on a riser, so it's snooty the rest. Don't light any of the candlesaverage yet. Hex off all the other lights, and include your altar. If yourtradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Point the candles,and say:The saunter of the court has turned once arrogant,and the nights exert prepared longer and colder.Tonight, the darkness begins to tear,and light begins its return once once again.As the saunter continues to bend,the sun revenue to us once arrogant.Thin out the sun candle, and say:Effortless in the darkest hours,even in the chronicle nights,the exhibit of life lingered on.Laying dormant, waiting, completed to returnbehind the time was energy.The darkness strength provender us now,as the sun begins its shindig home.Establishment with the candles close to the sun candle, and workingyour way emerge, light each of the other candles. As you light eachone, say:As the saunter turns, light revenue.Come to this until all the candles are lit and scorching.Then say:The light of the sun has returned to us,bringing life and happiness with it.The shadows strength break up, and life strength administer.We are blessed by the light of the sun.Call for a aim to appear about what the return of the sun itinerary to you.The return of the light invented a choice of matter to pristine cultures. Howdoes it influence you, and your beloved ones? At the same time as you're completed, golead the deposit and turn all the lights back on. If you exertchildren, make it a game -- they can label out, "Give leave to enter back, light!"If you're not too full from gorge, exert some eggnog and cookies onsave, and opinion the time to bask in the light of your candles andeat some treats. At the same time as you're done, put out the candles from theprivate of the altar working towards the focus, vacant the suncandle for maintain.Tips:** A sun candle is only a candle you've chosen to dead heat thesun in ritual. It can be in a joyful color -- gold or yellow -- and ifyou close to, you can carve it with stellar sigils.If you close to, you can do this ritual on the beginning of Yule. Set up abig have with many of generate, and watch the sun glowing. If you dothis, you can need all the candles bolt the sun candle. Ditchthe sun candle to go overboard all day ahead of time you put out it.Having the status of You Need:Heaps of candles, among a sun candleA chow down with many of winter-themed produce Mistletoe for luck spell by: Gerina DunwichTogether with a holy ritual dagger, ceremonially cut a tale ofmistletoe at dawn on winter solstice. As you do this, hymnthrice the fan incantation:"Fair wing and Witch's broom,thy sacred names are spoken.By dagger's penknife I have a desire for theeto see all bad luck intermittent.Harming none, this spell is done.By law of three, so mote it be!"Increase the white-berried plant to play with theinsolence way out of your deposit to bring good luckto all who subsist within.Mistletoe, which was sacred to the druids and recycled in their ancient effectiveness resources, is besides supposed to grasp the powers of healing and protection vs. evil, fire, moan, and bad luck.
Yuletide love spellRedness of the day: GrayMadden of the day: MauveFriday is ruled by the den Venus, and concerns such matter asromance,love, effectiveness, and flinch. The day's name comes from the Norsegoddess oflove, Freya. She is very good to summon for winter romances. The holiday ride out provides opportunities to embrace new people at parties and other socialoccasions. Use this spell to see in your mind's eye protection to yourself. You strength pocket a necklaceof gold or amber, two candles of pink or gold, and amber essential oil. Thin outthe candles and squeeze the necklace with them, saying:Fair Freya,Female of elegance,Hone your beautyUpon my include.Sun of fire,Band of gold,Surrender me someoneWhom I can squeeze.Amiable goddess,Audacity and free,Let all their eyesBe ineffective to me.Presume invitations to all kind activities. At the same time as you go, wear thenecklace and a dab of amber oil. Freya's elegance strength attract good protection.
Yule log magick The Yule log brings happiness and light on this Yule Eve, and represents the flinch of a new stellar court on the Iciness Solstice. Hot the Yule Log is one of the oldest magical rituals. You can make and go overboard this Yule Log with your position and friends. You strength pocket a beeswax candle, an oak, cedar, or birch log, a hearth or woodstove, cedar, holly, and brood branches, and green, red, and white strip. Show by outline a magic circle on the room and hearth or woodstove, and later attraction in the elements. Subsequent, light the candle, dedicating it to the Mother Divine being and Jerk God. Tie the cedar, holly, and brood branches on the log with the green, red, and white strip. As you do this, say: Divine Yule Log of masses,Select us good luck and good healthAnd divine prosperity, blessed be! Now Dip some of the wax from the candle on the log. As you do, repeat: Divine Yule Log of masses,Select us good luck and good healthAnd divine prosperity, blessed be! To the fore putting the log in the sphere of the fire, place your hands to play with the Yule log and say this prayer: Lock Divine being and GodOn this Eve of Yule, I pray youPlead devote us the giftsOf good health and good luckAnd divine prosperity.May the divine spirit dust piquantlyTogether with each new court and every dayIn the Female and Lord's name, Divine be! Manage the happiness and light of the Yule fire. To the fore you go to peacefulness, thank the Divine being and God, bid goodbye to the elements, and close the circle.Tomorrow beginning, opinion some of the vestiges from your hearth or thicket space heater, and scatter them clockwise on the private of your home, among your insolence and back doors, to bring you and your position good luck, good health, and prosperity. Devote the explosive of the beeswax candle to the Den. (Highlighter Unmemorable)