Do You Ever Get Pissed At Agnostics I Do Even Though I Am An Agnostic Anti Theist I Get Kind Of Annoyed At Just Agnostics Sometimes As Far As I Am Concerned

Do You Ever Get Pissed At Agnostics I Do Even Though I Am An Agnostic Anti Theist I Get Kind Of Annoyed At Just Agnostics Sometimes As Far As I Am Concerned
It honestly does bother me when people say that they are just "agnostic" because it seems a bit dishonest to me. No one is simply agnostic. The vast majority of agnostics I've come across tend to be Atheist but either find that label off putting or simply don't recognize the difference between what they believe and what they think we can know. The label agnostic/gnostic does serve a purpose but it isn't simply a stance of belief. I've also come across some people who feel that taking a side makes them committed to defending that view point, I understand that as well but they don't realize how effortless it can be to be an Atheist. Being an Atheist at its core simply means you don't believe in any god or gods, you don't buy in to anyone's garbage, not just Christianity, not just Islam, but all of it. At that point the burden of proof isn't on the non-believer, it's on the religious people who claim to have special knowledge.

(Also before anyone points out the people that "simply don't care" they would be by definition considered "agnostic apatheists", basically the don't know, don't care mentality.)


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