Happy Oshun Day
freelovespells, magick, religion belief 0 Comments »Lovely.
Speaking of ocean Goddesses, I encountered Hi'iaki (Pele's sister) in a number of different guises during our trip to Hawaii this year. But more on that another time.
Happy Oshun Day to all here. The blessings of Yemaya be with you and yours.
You can see more photos like these at the Personal Altars group.
I would also recommend taking a look at Green Kali's self portrait as Yemaya Okute, and her Yemaya altar, as well as her other photos. She also keeps a hurricane diary.
Photo: Happy Oshun Day by Shakti Womyn
Related Articles:
Building an Altar
Robert Ballard on Exploring The Ocean's Hidden Worlds
(My thanks to Captain Lightning for the link to this video)
Recovering From Our Culture: Why Words Matter
Excerpt: The Blessings of the Goddess
To embrace the womanly part of the divine, to see ourselves as holy, connected and worthy is a necessary part of our spiritual practice and our personal healing. One way we do that, is to find that part of the sacred that is also a part of you and me...To be honest, I think that the nature of the divine is beyond the issues of gender, race and culture. I also believe that divine is connected to all these at the same time. When I perform a Celtic rites to celebrate Bridget, I am connected to all the Celtic women in my line, and to all of the power and the sacredness that this implies. As women who were told that only men could do or be certain things, we find healing in rejecting that negativity and power in supporting our precious and poetic spirit.