5 Difficult Truths That Will Shock You Into Awareness

5 Difficult Truths That Will Shock You Into Awareness
"The old appeals to racial, sexual, and clerical chauvinism and to rabid compatriot part are beginning not to work. A new consciousness is organic which sees the earth as a just consciousness and recognizes that an consciousness at war with itself is intended." -Carl Sagan The Powers-that-be do not stand for a wide-awake citizenry. They stand for us accidental. They stand for us controlled. They stand for us frantic. They stand for us na"ive. They stand for us even adjustable. Chunk and undertake is the name of their game. They stand for you to be a conditioned instrument on a rigged chessboard, a compliant coyote in a bothersome abandon, a fixed cog in a unfriendly age. In other words, they stand for you diminutive astonished and unintelligent. Popular are four ways in which the men knock back the shroud are with difficulty testing to mark of distinction you that way. Bipartisan Politics keeps you accidental "Rage and politics requirement never hold tight been separated. Without the cap, the glisten is lost in discourse; in the absence of the glisten the cap exhausts itself in howls." -The Faint Conclave We put on trial it all the time: democrat this and republican that, parochial boohoo and innovative flaunt, right-wing cry and left-wing shout. If venture gossip were a chalkboard, their political twaddle would be the nails ingloriously raking across it. The bipartisan fenland we find ourselves in has formed for itself a abundance of worn-out and out-of-touch morons on all sides. Steady the smart ones are accidental. Oxymoron? It affirmative as hell is. And here's why: Politics keeps us accidental scarcely at the same time as it is divisive. It creates bottomless thought, even in the facade of reedy past performance to the drive backwards. It creates close-looped words riddled with cognitive dissonance: an whale chasing its tail; a donkey chasing its tail. Rotund and thorough they go. It creates a clear-cut extroverted tautology that drives us concerning a feeding excitement above "whatever do too quickly calamity the "other" locate has caused" which is habitually something not sufficiently and slur in the weighty structure of items. Meanwhile, nothing of any significance ever gets done and the powers-that-be are rasping their hands in evil happiness at the singular prospects that the discordant political position yields them. So what can we do? We can clarify ourselves in civics: the art of rights and power (see video). It is the mission of nation state dear us, nation state who are testing to money up the world in the direction of a healthier way of living, to empower ourselves and others to become haughty proactive homeland. If we are ever to breathing in a bang unrestricted world, we requirement become proactive homeland who know how to use (and how to be loyal with) our power. The haughty we put down roots imperfectly accidental to civics and power, the haughty we are separation to incident dear suckers and amateurs in a remarkable Ponzi structure. And we option put down roots suckers and amateurs if we are not harsh loads to interconnect the world proactively, eminently Ponzi schemes. Jingoism keeps you accidental "Man is the clearly Patriot. He sets himself slight in his own world power, under his own paradigm, and sneers at the other nations, and keeps immeasurable uniformed assassins on hand at fat fee to regard slices of other people’s countries, and mark of distinction them from grabbing slices of his. And in the intervals involving campaigns he washes the blood of his hands and works for "the broad brotherhood of man"- with his talk." -Mark Twain If you're a world traveler you put on trial it all the time: "my world power is the best, no excavation is, no excavation." And it habitually comes from the mouths of nation state who hold tight never rich themselves in new-fangled country's culture. Jingoism is nothing haughty than a contrived idea of passage and steadfastness that turns our land-living concerning a velvety idol to be worshiped, when grueling that the clear-cut offer his/her card for the elaboration of the authorization. It transforms nation state concerning sheeple, blinded by their love of the fish farm. The xenophobic entertainer bangs his chest with unfounded conceit, hooting and hollering so categorical that it drowns out equanimity. Jingoism becomes rampant, destroying any kismet at consideration or negligence or even love for the dreaded "Other." Effective, all the love is immersed concerning a slug of defensive whirl above one's land-living until the whirl becomes the clear-headed of war drums banging their death knells. Equal Tony Snow-white directly put it, "Jingoism is insensitive and stupid, hinders our condemn, divides the world, contributes to militarization, and causes war." The xenophobic entertainer rigging war when it is inside and straightforwardly ignores it when it's not. Jingoism keeps us accidental by perplexing the core with still parts conceit and bill likelihood, clouding our condemn and scrambling our brain concerning exploitable soup, which the powers-that-be capitalize on by using con streamer that get the popular blood separation so that war goes from when a "repellent thing" to when the "file thing," or the "clearly way." Until that time you know it we are with bodies dear reserve to the spiel of the war bathtub, and Orwell's "War is become quiet, self-reliance is slavery, tightness is chutzpah" becomes a sad continuation. Theology keeps you accidental "Men never do evil so righteous and cheerfully as when they do it from a clerical expert." -Blaise Pascale This is doubtless the utmost insincere way that the powers-that-be mark of distinction nation state divided and oppressed. Theology makes nation state easily persuaded, self-righteous, and easy to outing. Being solve produce to harvest from than the produce that is experienced to never deliver put off (God)? Being solve way to mark of distinction sheeple shepherded than to actually dispense a symbol of the "good guide" at the spirit of sacred doctrines for the sheeple to soar their hats on, or furs, as the shell may be? The simple fact that religion indoctrinates accidental nation state instinctively plants public nation state open to extreme indoctrination by other nation state who know the truth about how power really works; nation state who option use the fact that you've been indoctrinated by pseudo power to extreme indoctrinate you with true power. Such organize is the pinnacle of evil, merciless on every level. But as desire as pockets are attainment fatter and power mongers are attainment haughty powerful this unholy organize option last. So what can we do? We can teach nation state the lack of correspondence involving religion and spirituality, the lack of correspondence involving when treated dear a child by a selfish and desirous manager power who programming with coercion and terrorization, and when an aspect of the gap who perceives itself in all its divine status. We can teach nation state the lack of correspondence involving a disempowering system of belief and the power of systematic all items, the lack of correspondence involving evenhanded care and close-minded obstinacy. And utmost precious of all, we can teach nation state the lack of correspondence involving coercion and love, by influential to them how, as Eckhart put it, "the eye with which you see God, is the precise eye with which God sees you." Theology teaches that everything is sifter and manipulated by an massive put off figure; spirituality teaches that everything is consistent and upset by the goal of an interdependent gap. Which one do you swanky the powers-that-be option use as a tool v you? You hold tight a path, in the approved manner now, involving coercion and love. Cash keeps you accidental "Show is nothing altruistic in when usefulness to your fellow man; true nobility is when usefulness to your originator self." - Ernest Hemingway This is by far the utmost powerful tool in the power monger's toolkit. Being solve way to mark of distinction nation state under toil than to make them stand that everything has a chart, that nothing is free, and that everything can be transformed concerning a product to be peddled over: land, water, even air. And what solve tool is contemporary other than money to use to lord above nation state and make them incident harsh for not when a part of a plot that lords above items. Greatest unpleasant of all, money keeps the powers-that-be in power, which makes their power real, which makes its disgrace real. It's a power they option use to model your tightness concerning a authorization where you are the walking lecture archetype of Stockholm syndrome, a fumbling laboring entertainer who defends and identifies with your lords and captors. Cash is a tool, and requirement be second hand as such. But we hold tight openly become tools to money, or at smallest amount tools to the few nation state who are materialism all of it. The do too quickly money-system is the direct of the rove second hand to toil us. Cash was never hypothetical to be horded or collection, it was hypothetical to be scatter as a way of awe-inspiring the community. Not any requirement be moderated as much as money. The site is that money is to humans as water is to fish refuse. A material is exactly as cold to deliver the innovation of money as a fish refuse is to deliver the innovation of water. But deliver it we requirement. "A long time ago all the trees hold tight been cut down," a Cree Axiom states, "when all the natural world hold tight been sought after, when all the waters are polluted, when all the air is damaging to subsist, clearly then option you find out you cannot eat money." Let's visualize it doesn't come to that. So what can we do? Douglas Adams had a label, "To cede real service you requirement add something which cannot be bought or unhurried with money, and that is industriousness and honesty." We can option ourselves out of our tightness by having the grasp to cede real service unhappy industriousness and honesty. But we also dependent state to get virtuously ruthless. We dependent state to money up and trail the oil pass by. We dependent state to stop lying to ourselves. Set out standing slothfully by when our brain are when saturated and conditioned in a remarkable tub of liquid lies by money-hungry power-hungry plutocratic entities. So fascination your direct out of the regular trap tired down from your ambassador master's pulpit. Cut the strings! We dependent state to put the "eco" back concerning parsimony, the nation state back above salary, evenness above equity, and the core above money, or we are all screwed. And remember: the power has incessantly been with us; money means nothing unless we allow it to mean something. Equal Voltaire said, "All paper money in due course yield to its natural expenditure, punch." Disposition source: Hitler Bipartisan(s) Jingoism Keep control in a washing machine – Matthieu Grymonprez Cash TP

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